December 6, 2017
St. Nicholas
Dear Family of Mary!
“Dear children, I turn to you as your mother, the mother of the just, the mother of those who love and suffer, the mother of those who are holy. My children, you too can be holy – this depends on you. Those who are holy are those who immeasurably love the Heavenly Father, those who love Him above all. Therefore, my children, always strive to be better. If you strive to be good you can be holy even though you may not think so of yourselves. If you think that you are good, you are not humble, and arrogance distances you from holiness. In this peaceless world full of threats, your hands, apostles of my love, should be extended in prayer and mercy…” (December 2, 2017)
Our Lady says she is turning to us as our mother. Have you ever had your earthly mother turn to you? I remember some of the times I as a mother turned to one of my children. They were times when I really needed help. I would look one of my children in the eyes and ask him or her to “Please set the table, now!” or “Go find your brother, he is loose in the neighborhood.” When I turned to one of my children, they knew I meant business!
I think Our Lady means business too! She is turning to us in this Advent time, and looking us in the eye and saying “Strive to be better! If you strive to be good you can be holy even though you may not think so of yourselves.” She needs us to be just, to love and suffer and to be holy! She needs us to back her up! She is in a gigantic fight for souls, and she needs us to be her back up team!!
She also warns us that if we think we are already good, we are in trouble. The first complacent thought we have should be stamped out! Pride and complacency lead us away from holiness. And she needs her children to be apostles of love through prayer and mercy.
In 1936 Our Lady turned to another of her special children, St. Faustina, and asked her to prepare for the Feast of Christmas in a special way, much like Our Lady has done for us. Here is St. Faustina heard:
This beautiful teaching from Our Mother to St. Faustina may help us in our striving to be holy. The interior life that Our Lady taught St. Faustina is exactly what we need! To be holy we need to be filled with Jesus, aware of His presence and in love with Him. So beautiful!
Two days until the Feast of the Immaculate Conception!! Wow!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2017
PS. Mike Nolan has produced two new CDs:
“Oh Jesus, We Adore You!” (A collection of songs used for Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in Medjugorje. It is very prayerful and peaceful!)
“The Mary TV Soundtrack!” (A joyful compilation of the music used on Mary TV! )
CDs are $15.00 each, and you can order them directly from Mike Nolan