January 20, 2017
St. Fabian and St. Sebastian
Dear Family of Mary!
This is the last installment of Fr. Slavko’s reflection on the December 25, 1994 message:
December 25, 1994 “Dear children! Today I rejoice with you and I am praying with you for peace: peace in your hearts, peace in your families, peace in your desires, peace in the whole world. May the King of Peace bless you today and give your peace. I bless you and I carry each one of you in my heart. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Peace in our desires leads to…
This will be the final fruit of our taking Mary’s path to peace in our hearts, peace in our families and peace in our desires. These days we see and hear how peace is threatened from the outside by numerous conflicts, but those things are still a continuing impulse for us to pray for peace. The world is in chaos, the world does not have peace and this is for a very simple, true and very deep reason. The world has turned away from God and the world even wants to make itself independent from Him!
“The people of these times”, a teacher of repute is known to have said, “have eaten too much from the tree of knowledge and have ignored the tree of love, the tree of trust and the tree of God.” It is for this reason that it becomes very important for us that we, especially in these times, renew our ‘yes’ to Mary and with her hold on to the belief that peace is, after all, possible. We should do EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to bring peace into our hearts, into our families, into our desires and into the world!
She knows Him and He is the Prince of Peace about whom the prophets sang and whom the prophets announced. It is ultimate for us to know that it is He and ONLY He to whom Our Lady is praying and leading us. It is very beautiful to know that she intercedes for us to her son, for this very particular Intention – PEACE. We should not forget that in several messages she tells us that she needs us and that we are important to her. We are important to her because the first part of peace that Jesus promised us is peace in our hearts. It is only from this out of which peace in the families and peace in the world can grow.
This means that she promises that she will continue to pray for us, that she will continue to intercede for us and that she never judges us. It is ‘benedicere’ in Latin and this means that she ‘speaks well’ of us and does not accuse us before God. Then finally she says something very motherly and beautiful. She sees herself as the mother of every single one of us! She carries us! And this is OUR CHANCE to permit ourselves to be carried by her! We must become conscious that she loves us, that she loves and accepts us as a mother.
When we come closer to her, as she said in the November message, we will also discover God. Father also carries us! THINK ABOUT IT! This is a call and another strong impulse for us to open our hearts to her and to become like her in our thoughts, in our feelings and in our entire lives. This message is one that in a special way clarifies Mary’s program to us. She came to announce peace and not war! It clarifies that one cannot advance in merely analyzing but to progress it is necessary to personally decide for peace. This is also the case when we find ourselves in deep conflicts. Then too we can lead or be led to the Oasis of Peace. The people the communities, the families, the Church itself and all the rest of the world NEED THIS PEACE! Everyone will become a person with good intentions when they actively decide to come closer to God. This is quite simply the program leading out of Bethlehem when the angels sang: “Glory to God in the Highest and Peace to all Men!”
So Mary has been with us for 13 years and 6 months [and now for 35 years and 6 months] and we are in her College of Love and of Peace. Slowly but steadily we should come to the conclusion that there are no more excuses to go to lesser schools. SHE LOVES US SO MUCH! SHE GAVE US SO MUCH! SHE HAS TOLD US SO MUCH! SHE IS PRAYING FOR US! We have all the reasons to become active so that peace can come to us all. WE SHOULD LET HER PROGRAM BECOME OUR PROGRAM! May we become conscious that this peace can truly come when we constantly fight evil and sin and when we consistently work on our hearts as we work on our fields. (Fr. Slavko Barbaric. “Mother! Lead Us to Peace!!” p. 307-308)
I am grateful to have these words of Fr. Slavko available for us to ponder. He was and is a gift to us in these days. He gave everything to serve the Gospa. He held nothing back. And he did serve the good and peace in Medjugorje.
May we follow Fr. Slavko’s example, and abandon ourselves to the Mother. She will take us to her heart, and help us to become apostles of peace. Jesus will then be everything for us, and we will live with Him in our hearts, and in our families and the whole world.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2017