December 1, 2016
Dear Family of Mary!
“Dear children! From day to day I wish to clothe you in holiness, goodness, obedience and God’s love, so that from day to day you become more beautiful and more prepared for your Master. Dear children, listen to and live my messages. I wish to guide you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”(October 24, 1985)
Our Lady gives us messages every month because she wishes to clothe us in holiness, goodness, obedience and God’s love. She is trying to make us more beautiful!! She wants to rehabilitate us, freeing us from our brokenness and human weakness which we inherited because of original sin.
She has taken on a big job!! But she is just the one to succeed. If we listen to and live her messages, we will be prepared for our Master. Listening requires a silent and open heart. We must set aside our own agendas and ideas, and be ready to appropriate her ideas and guidance for our lives.
Tomorrow Our Lady will give a message through Mirjana! We have another chance to open our hearts with silence and receptivity so that we can be changed for the better by her words. What blessed children we are, to have such a mother.
Here is the message from November 2, 2016. Maybe we can reflect on how we have responded to this message as a preparation for tomorrow!
November 2, 2016 message through Mirjana:
“Dear children, to come to you and to make myself known to you is a great joy for my motherly heart. It is a gift from my Son for you and for others who are coming. As a mother I am calling you: love my Son above everything. In order to love Him with all your heart, you need to come to know Him. You will come to know Him through prayer. Pray with the heart and with your feelings. To pray means to think of His love and sacrifice. To pray means to love, to give, to suffer and to offer. I am calling you, my children, to be apostles of prayer and love. My children, it is a time of vigilance. In this vigil I am calling you to prayer, love and trust. As my Son will be looking in your hearts, my motherly heart desires for Him to see unconditional trust and love in them. The united love of my apostles will live, will conquer and will expose evil. My children, I was a chalice of the God-man; I was God’s instrument. That is why I am calling you, my apostles, to be a chalice of the true and pure love of my Son. I am calling you to be an instrument through which all those who have not come to know the love of God-who have never loved-may comprehend, accept and be saved. Thank you, my children.”
While Our Lady was leaving, Mirjana saw a chalice.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2016
PS. I will wait to send out the reflection for Friday until I have the new message! It will probably be mid-day Friday, December 2.