October 7, 2016
Feast of the Holy Rosary!
Dear Family of Mary!
April 25, 2001 “Dear children! Also today, I call you to prayer. Little children, prayer works miracles. When you are tired and sick and you do not know the meaning of your life, take the Rosary and pray; pray until prayer becomes for you a joyful meeting with your Savior. I am with you, little children, and I intercede and pray for you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
On this beautiful feast, I want to share a little more about the healing of Darren which we shared on the most recent Fruit of Medjugorje episode, #234.
I believe that Darren’s healing has everything to do with the Rosary and the power of the Rosary. He and his mother, Catherine, have been coming to Medjugorje for years, often staying for months at a time. They come every night to the Evening Rosary before Holy Mass. Their life has been steeped in the Rosary. Their relationship with the Lord is formed by the Rosary, Holy Mass and Adoration. And so, Darren’s healing has everything to do with the Rosary!
Here is a sharing from Traci, who met Darren in Medjugorje during her pilgrimage in March/April of 2016:
I wanted to share a few things I witnessed about Darren during our pilgrimage March /April of this year.
Our whole group did the St. Louis de Montfort 33 Day Consecration to Mary together. We all met at the Blue Cross with the small statue of Our Lady to finish it. Just as we were saying the consecration Darren arrived out of the blue pushed by a man named Kevin. I thought Kevin was a priest so I asked him for a blessing but he said he was only discerning for the priesthood (We should pray for him!).
Daren came to kiss Our Ladies statue, so the young guys in our group, along with Kevin, literally had to pick up Darren out of his chair and carry him to the statue.
Daren was not able to straighten himself completely and his legs stayed in a sort of seated position. I noticed his legs, specially the ankles and calves were very atrophied, along with the thighs and back. He was not able to stand in one place even for a few seconds and it took some care to lift him out of the wheelchair as he could not hold any of his weight.
The thing I remember the most though was this. One day, we were standing by St. James and like usual, the boys in our group were wrestling and playing around together. As a few of us were talking with Catherine and Darren, Darren kept looking past us. His mother said he was interested in the boys playing. That he wanted to go play with the boys.
Well now he can. Praise be Jesus and Mary!
One more thing. Darren had a hard time with his neck also. You can see in some of the old videos how they help him to receive the Eucharist by holding his head back a bit. He really is much, much changed from when I last saw him! How beautiful : ) Lets keep praying for him!
We have witnessed a miracle of love. Darren loves Our Lady. And she loves him. Through that love, Darren grew. His heart grew! And the power of Our Lady’s intercession for him was able to work miracles in him! Darren teaches us all about being a child in the care of “the Mother”. Our Lady wants us all to experience healing. She is with us to help us. Through the prayer of the Rosary, we can be with Mary, and she can be with us. Our closeness to her will change everything.
Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2016