(c)Mateo Ivankovic 2016
September 19, 2016
St. Januarius
Dear Family of Mary!
August 25, 2011 “Dear children! Today I call you to pray and fast for my intentions, because satan wants to destroy my plan. Here I began with this parish and invited the entire world. Many have responded, but there is an enormous number of those who do not want to hear or accept my call. Therefore, you who have said ‘yes’, be strong and resolute. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
On September 16, 2016, Fr. Gabriel Amorth, Exorcist of Rome, died. He was a powerful exorcist, as well as a Mariologist and teacher. They say that he performed over 70,000 exorcisms in his life. He was the expert of our day on deliverance and exorcism.
He also believed in Our Lady of Medjugorje.
I like to hear what exorcists have to say about many things, because they have a very unique view of the evil one and his activity in the world. They seem to be able to cut through all the veils and see what is really going on in the world, because they know our enemy first hand and they know the power of God.
Fr. Amorth was one of the most profound exorcists. I want to share with you an excerpt from an article by Christine Watkins on her webpage, medjugorjemiracles.com. She shares something Fr. Amorth said to Radio Maria in 2011 about Medjugorje and why he believed so strongly in Our Lady’s coming there:
Throughout the years, Fr. Amorth has embraced Medjugorje. He has called the place, “a great fortress against Satan.” The following is a September, 2011 interview on Radio Maria with Fr. Gabriele Amorth. Fr. Amorth was speaking before the backdrop of the Virgin Mary’s message of August 25, 2011, when she said:
“Dear children! Today I call you to pray and fast for my intentions, because Satan wants to destroy my plan. Here I began with this parish and invited the entire world. Many have responded, but there is an enormous number of those who do not want to hear or accept my call. Therefore, you who have said ‘yes’, be strong and resolute. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
“How bitter, how bitter was the last message of Our Lady of Medjugorje on August 25: ‘Many have responded, but there is an enormous number of those who do not want to hear or accept my call,'” Fr. Gabriele Amorth first commented.
“Now look here; it is very sour, this balance. After more than thirty years! More than thirty years! Now if it is the pagans who don’t listen to Our Lady’s words, then that I can understand. But be you a Christian, it is not forgivable. Be you a Christian!”
“Even priests and bishops don’t even want to hear about it. It is not that they went there and then made their decision fairly, after seeing things for themselves. No! They don’t even want to hear it being spoken about!”
“The Gospel is so clear. It tells us how to discern! By the fruits you will know the tree! It has been thirty years that Medjugorje has given us fruits that are ultimately exquisite! Confession, conversion, vocations, graces of every kind! For more than thirty years!” the exorcist reminded on Radio Maria.
“In the Old Testament, God sent prophets to warn of the betrayals of the Jewish people. Now, here to warn of the betrayal of the Christian people, also the priests, God sends us His Mother! It has been thirty years! Is it possible that people still do not hear? And as for those people who believe themselves to be intelligent by saying they’ll wait until the Church approves? They are fools!” said Fr. Gabriel Amorth.
I share this because Fr. Amorth showed his sorrow and disbelief at those who refuse to give Medjugorje a chance, and who dismiss it without reviewing the fruits. He sees the good fruits. He knows when a fruit is good or bad. He has seen everything. And for him, to deny Medjugorje is impossible.
I hope that Fr. Amorth will continue to accompany the faithful from heaven, interceding for us and asking for God’s mercy upon us. We need his help. Maybe he will work on those people in the church who are so skeptical of Medjugorje, and help them see the fruits of Our Lady’s presence there. The world needs Our Lady of Medjugorje now more than ever.
Let’s pray for Fr. Amorth:
Eternal rest, grant unto him O Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace. Amen.
May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2016
PS. The pilgrimage that Mike Nolan is leading on October 3 – 14 still has room. Pray about coming!! The air fares are quite low. If you have been waiting for the right time to go to Medjugorje, this may be it!!
Mike Nolan