Offer all your joys and sorrows to my Immaculate Heart
July 17, 2024
Dear Family of Mary!
Denis and I try to go to weekly confession, on Saturday after morning mass. So many graces come our way at those confessions. And I want to share a little of the fruit of my confession recently. My confessor rightly discerned that I was beating myself up about my past sins. And he said something astonishing to me: “I want you to take all these negative memories and offer them to the Sorrowful Heart of Mary. Unite your heart with Her Heart and sorrow with Her over these things….”
He didn’t psychologize about it, or try to get rid of my past. He wanted me to behold all those things and offer them to Our Lady, so that together She and I could sorrow over them before the Lord.
I learned that self-hatred or despondency gets me nowhere. The Sorrowful Heart of Mary brings healing, light, hope and peace. Her Sorrow lifts it all to Jesus, who offers it to the Father. And the miracle of forgiveness and hope can settle in my heart.
Here is a message Our Lady gave in which She shows us the process:
September 25, 2009
“Dear children, with joy,
persistently work on your conversion.
Offer all your joys and sorrows to my Immaculate Heart
that I may lead you all to my most beloved Son,
so that you may find joy in His Heart.
I am with you to instruct you
and to lead you towards eternity…
Thank you for having responded to my call.”
I need to pray with this message every day, because every day there are new sorrows to be given to Our Lady. There are also new joys to give to her as well. This is a good way to live each day, in the Immaculate Heart of Mary!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Cathy Nolan
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