December 31, 2018
New Years Eve
Dear Family of Mary!
We at Mary TV want to thank all of you for your participation in our broadcasts from Medjugorje over the past year. It’s no small thing choosing to be with Our Lady in Medjugorje – even if our only option is by way of the digital sea: “My Son promised me that evil will never win, because you, the souls of the just, are here!” (11/2/14) To be with Our Lady, in Medjugorje, even over the internet, adds strength to her intercession! Jesus hears our prayers!
We have prayed together “live” (and archived) in Medjugorje:
Daily Divine Mercy Chaplets
Daily Rosary with Denis and Cathy,
Daily Evening Rosary with St. James Parish,
Daily Evening International Mass with St. James Parish,
Daily English Mass in Medjugorje
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar at least twice a week,
Climb up Apparition Hill on Sunday’s with the parish!
And we have attended “live” or viewed later many special events:
Mirjana’s 2nd of the month Apparitions
Mirjana’s March 18 Apparition
The Youth Festival in August
The Cenacolo Christmas Play
Weekly Testimonies from pilgirms on Fruit of Medjugorje
Special talks by Archbishop Hoser
Sanctuary Snippets from Fr. Leon
And of course we have the possibility to pray “live” at Apparition Hill and Cross Mountain with our live camera, taking personal time with Our Lady and Jesus in those holy spots.
Our prayer together in Medjugorje is powerful. Our Lady is calling us to help her through our prayers and sacrifices to bring about the peace that she longs for in the world. This is a work of mercy and joy!
Thank you to all of you who make the work of Mary TV possible, through your prayers, sacrifices, and financial support. We could not do it without you. Together we are helping Mother Mary reach her children all over the world!
We have come to the end of 2018! With thanksgiving to God, we want to pray in the New Year! Tonight we will have an opportunity to pray along with the parish, bringing in the New Year and honoring Our Lady as Mother of God! Here is the schedule: (all times are Medjugorje time)
So you see, we will pray in the New Year!!!
Thank you again to all of you!! May we stay the course in 2019, growing ever more connected to Our Lady and her plans, praying unceasingly for her plans and serving her Son with our lives!
Blessed New Year!!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan and the whole Mary TV Team!
©Mary TV 2018
PS. If you feel called to support Mary TV, here is a link to our Donation Page. Thank you in advance for your support!!