Procession during the Youth Festival 2018
The Chair of Peter
Dear Family of Mary!
In Fr. Slavko’s homily from February 1986 (see Daily Reflection for February 21, 2019), he quoted Our Lady as saying, “All those who listen to my messages and live them are my parish.”
When you return home you should become Medjugorje for others, like a sign and invitation towards conversion and prayer. We must be conscious of this reality – people will ask your help, just as Our Lady has asked your help. You are Medjugorje too.
Our Lady once said, “All those who listen to my messages and live them are my parish.” So, there are no boundaries to the Medjugorje parish; all those who live with us in prayer and fasting are parishioners. We feel responsible for your conversion, and when you return to your homes you at once become responsible for the conversion of others. In this way Our Lady’s wishes will be spread.
We are part of the parish of Medjugorje! We are those who listen to and live Our Lady’s messages, and so we are part of the parish. And our job, like the job of the parish, is to pray for the conversion of others and live the messages! To do this we need to give ourselves to Our Lady.
Here then, is a prayer that Our Lady dictated to Jelena so very long ago, to help us to learn to give ourselves to her:
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2019