The Blessed Mother has led me to understand
that the center of my life is the Eucharist! (Vicka)
(c)Mary TV/Mateo Ivankovic
March 13, 2019
Dear Family of Mary!
“Dear children, I call you ‘apostles of my love’. I am showing you my Son who is the true peace and the true love. As a mother, through the mercy of God, I desire to lead you to Him…” (March 2, 2019)
Our Lady desires to lead us to Jesus. This is her main task in Medjugorje. Everything in her program from Medjugorje is designed to draw us into a deep relationship with Jesus. Fr. Slavko understood this deeply. I would like to share with you a reflection he wrote on “Our Lady and the Eucharist” which I find amazing! It is from his book, “Be Similar to My Heart.”
Our Lady and the Eucharist
A quote from Vicka:
“The Blessed Mother has led me to understand that the center of my life is the Eucharist, which is Jesus, who is God. In the Mass, we are receiving Jesus, who is alive. In the Sacrament we are really receiving Jesus, His Body and Blood. We must be prepared to receive Christ alive.” – Vicka.
…When the Priest comes to us and says: “This is the Body of Christ,’, it is similar to when the angel came to Our Lady at the Annunciation. When we say, “Amen” it is our saying, “Your will be done.” Our body then becomes a true dwelling place for Jesus. The fact that God dwells in us can then make us ‘full of God.’ God wants us to become similar to Jesus. Christ is in the center. That is how Our Lady’s life was – with Christ always at its center. He was the foundation of her Life, and thus we can say She was the first one to taste the fruits of redemption. Our Lady needed this grace just as we do. So, in this way, we can also be similar to Her. She could not redeem Herself, yet She was redeemed by Jesus in advance.
This is why Mary wants to lead us to Jesus and Her desire as well as unique task is to help us meet Him. She is helping us to discover God. Our Lady is our model who is calling, helping and teaching us. When we are close to Her, she brings us close to God. She is continually interceding for us to Jesus. Everything She asks of us is focused on and beyond the Eucharist. Fasting is because of the Eucharist. The Scripture, the Word of God, is because of the Eucharist. Confession is because of the Eucharist. Even the Rosary is in preparation for meeting Jesus in the Eucharist. Our Lady asks that our life be Holy Mass. When we forgive, it comes out of the Eucharist. When we do not forgive, we stop the Eucharist from happening within us. When we give witness of God to others, it is in the same path as Holy Mass. Our Lady’s wish is that our life become Mass, and this means that Jesus is the center of our life…
Sometimes people’s mentality concerning Holy Mass is, “I was at Mass, I have done my part, my task, and the Lord now has to be quiet. Now I am free to leave the church.” O, this is absolutely something else! We must slow down and prepare ourselves for Mass. Our Lady asks for preparation with two rosaries, and this request is very important to Her. When one comes into the church, the atmosphere of prayer and of hearing the Rosary being recited, opens up one’s heart. At times, it is difficult to stay in church for three hours for it can seem like three years. However, it is so very important that we all be there in person. Our life must become a prayer….
Let us reflect, asking for the grace to come before the presence of our Lord Jesus. Let us, through His mother, Mary, express our love, our praise and our adoration for Him with these short prayers:
Mother Mary, I feel how unworthy I am to adore Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Thank you for being with me! You were worthy of adoring and loving Him more than anybody else in the world, because you are His ever-loving and faithful Mother. So, Mary, to you I give my heart that you may adore Jesus in me and with me. To you I devote my family, my friends, my community, my people and my Church.
O, my Mother, I love you immensely and offer myself to You. Through your goodness, love and grace, save me! I want to be yours. I love you endlessly and I want you to protect me. I ask you, Mother of Goodness, from my whole heart, to give me your goodness that I may be able to love everybody as you loved Jesus Christ! And I also ask for the grace from you that I maybe gracious to you. I present myself completely to you and want you to be with me every step for you are full of grace. Amen
(Fr. Slavko Barbaric. “Be Similar to My Heart” p. 99)
Our Lady truly is helping us to discover God!! We are the most blessed of people, to have the Mother of Jesus with us every day in Medjugorje!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2019
PS. The Matching Grant Drive that we are currently offering for Mary TV’s Studio equipment is going very well. We are at about $8,000 dollars, or about 10% of the way to achieving the matching grant!! Keep up your prayers and donations!!! Thank you!
Dear Family of Mary!
“Dear children, I call you ‘apostles of my love’. I am showing you my Son who is the true peace and the true love. As a mother, through the mercy of God, I desire to lead you to Him…” (March 2, 2019)
Our Lady desires to lead us to Jesus. This is her main task in Medjugorje. Everything in her program from Medjugorje is designed to draw us into a deep relationship with Jesus. Fr. Slavko understood this deeply. I would like to share with you a reflection he wrote on “Our Lady and the Eucharist” which I find amazing! It is from his book, “Be Similar to My Heart.”
Our Lady and the Eucharist
A quote from Vicka:
“The Blessed Mother has led me to understand that the center of my life is the Eucharist, which is Jesus, who is God. In the Mass, we are receiving Jesus, who is alive. In the Sacrament we are really receiving Jesus, His Body and Blood. We must be prepared to receive Christ alive.” – Vicka.
…When the Priest comes to us and says: “This is the Body of Christ,’, it is similar to when the angel came to Our Lady at the Annunciation. When we say, “Amen” it is our saying, “Your will be done.” Our body then becomes a true dwelling place for Jesus. The fact that God dwells in us can then make us ‘full of God.’ God wants us to become similar to Jesus. Christ is in the center. That is how Our Lady’s life was – with Christ always at its center. He was the foundation of her Life, and thus we can say She was the first one to taste the fruits of redemption. Our Lady needed this grace just as we do. So, in this way, we can also be similar to Her. She could not redeem Herself, yet She was redeemed by Jesus in advance.
This is why Mary wants to lead us to Jesus and Her desire as well as unique task is to help us meet Him. She is helping us to discover God. Our Lady is our model who is calling, helping and teaching us. When we are close to Her, she brings us close to God. She is continually interceding for us to Jesus. Everything She asks of us is focused on and beyond the Eucharist. Fasting is because of the Eucharist. The Scripture, the Word of God, is because of the Eucharist. Confession is because of the Eucharist. Even the Rosary is in preparation for meeting Jesus in the Eucharist. Our Lady asks that our life be Holy Mass. When we forgive, it comes out of the Eucharist. When we do not forgive, we stop the Eucharist from happening within us. When we give witness of God to others, it is in the same path as Holy Mass. Our Lady’s wish is that our life become Mass, and this means that Jesus is the center of our life…
Sometimes people’s mentality concerning Holy Mass is, “I was at Mass, I have done my part, my task, and the Lord now has to be quiet. Now I am free to leave the church.” O, this is absolutely something else! We must slow down and prepare ourselves for Mass. Our Lady asks for preparation with two rosaries, and this request is very important to Her. When one comes into the church, the atmosphere of prayer and of hearing the Rosary being recited, opens up one’s heart. At times, it is difficult to stay in church for three hours for it can seem like three years. However, it is so very important that we all be there in person. Our life must become a prayer….
Let us reflect, asking for the grace to come before the presence of our Lord Jesus. Let us, through His mother, Mary, express our love, our praise and our adoration for Him with these short prayers:
Mother Mary, I feel how unworthy I am to adore Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Thank you for being with me! You were worthy of adoring and loving Him more than anybody else in the world, because you are His ever-loving and faithful Mother. So, Mary, to you I give my heart that you may adore Jesus in me and with me. To you I devote my family, my friends, my community, my people and my Church.
O, my Mother, I love you immensely and offer myself to You. Through your goodness, love and grace, save me! I want to be yours. I love you endlessly and I want you to protect me. I ask you, Mother of Goodness, from my whole heart, to give me your goodness that I may be able to love everybody as you loved Jesus Christ! And I also ask for the grace from you that I maybe gracious to you. I present myself completely to you and want you to be with me every step for you are full of grace. Amen
(Fr. Slavko Barbaric. “Be Similar to My Heart” p. 99)
Our Lady truly is helping us to discover God!! We are the most blessed of people, to have the Mother of Jesus with us every day in Medjugorje!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2019
PS. The Matching Grant Drive that we are currently offering for Mary TV’s Studio equipment is going very well. We are at about $8,000 dollars, or about 10% of the way to achieving the matching grant!! Keep up your prayers and donations!!! Thank you!