Holy ThursdayDear Family of Mary!
Here is the second reading for the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper:
Brothers and sisters: I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus, on the night he was handed over, took bread, and, after he had given thanks, broke it and said, “This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way also the cup, after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes. (Corinthians 11:23-26)
The Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper is the most intimate moment in the Church year. At this Mass we participate in the “Last Supper” when Jesus gave us His Body and Blood as our real food and drink, to last until He comes again to take us all home. Jesus provided Heavenly Food for us, His very own Body and Blood, so that we would have the strength to follow Him and endure to the end. Jesus loves us so much. Such providence, on the night before His Passion and Death. It is a gift beyond all understanding. Jesus loves us so much…
Our Lady speaks of Jesus’ love in the Eucharist in this message:
August 2, 2019
“Dear children,
great is the love of my Son.
If you were to come to know
the greatness of His love,
you would never cease to adore and thank Him.
He is always alive with you in the Eucharist,
because the Eucharist is His Heart.
The Eucharist is the heart of faith.
He has never left you.
Even when you tried to go away from Him,
He has not left you.
That is why my motherly heart is happy
when I watch how you
– filled with love –
return to Him,
when I see that you are coming to Him
by the way of reconciliation, love, and hope.
My motherly heart knows
that when you set out on the way of faith,
you are shoots – buds.
But along with prayer and fasting
you will be fruits,
my flowers,
apostles of my love;
you will be carriers of light
and will illuminate all those around you
with love and wisdom.
My children,
as a mother I am imploring you:
pray, think, and contemplate.
Everything beautiful, painful and joyful that happens to you
– all of this makes you grow spiritually,
so that my Son may grow in you.
My children,
surrender yourselves to Him,
believe Him,
trust in His love,
let Him lead you.
Let the Eucharist be
the place where you will feed your souls,
and afterwards, will spread love and truth
– will bear witness to my Son.
Thank you.”
On this Holy Thursday, remember:
He is always alive with you in the Eucharist, because the Eucharist is His Heart.
In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
(c)Mary TV 2022
PS. Here is the schedule of “live” and recorded programming for the Holy Triduum on Mary TV!!
All times are Medjugorje time!
Holy Thursday:
No English Mass this day
Hour of Mercy/Silent Adoration and Daily Rosary as usual.
Evening program (which includes Holy Thursday Mass)with adoration beginning at 5:00pm.
Good Friday:
Stations of the Cross (Cross Mountain) at 11:00 am
English Liturgy of the Passion at 3:00 PM (recorded for later viewing)
Hour of Mercy and Daily Rosary as usual.
Evening Rosary at 5:00 PM
Liturgy of the Passion of Christ at 6:00 PM
Holy Saturday:
No English Mass on Holy Saturday
Hour of Mercy and Daily Rosary as usual
Evening Rosary at 8:00 PM
Easter Vigil Mass at 9:00PM
Easter Sunday:
English Mass at 12:00 PM Easter Sunday (recorded)
Hour of Mercy/Silent Adoration and Daily Rosary as usual
Evening International Program at 5:00 PM.