Dear Family of Mary!
Our Gospel for today tells us:
“So Jesus said to them, “When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will realize that I AM…” (John 8:28)
Jesus tirelessly answered the questions of those who didn’t understand Him. They wanted to know who He was. Finally he made it clear. “When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will realize that I AM!” It was the Cross that would reveal Jesus as our God. It was His brutal death on the Cross that would show His kingship and His power.
During His passion, Jesus never stopped loving those who crucified Him. And he never stopped loving each one of us, whose sins demanded that He die for us. He never stopped, not for a millisecond. If He ever would stop we would be annihilated. Jesus’ love endured the Cross, and He emerged, triumphant. In His lifting up, Jesus revealed Himself as God, Victor over death and source of love and life!
Our Lady speaks to us about the Cross and what it should mean to us now:
March 25, 1997
“Dear children!
Today, in a special way,
I invite you to take the cross in the hands
and to meditate on the wounds of Jesus.
(Our Lady calls us to take the Cross in our hands…the Cross that was lifted up, now comes down into our hands, where we can adore Jesus with love, almost cradling Him close to us. We can see and feel the love He showed us in His Crucifixion and let that love into our hearts.)
Ask of Jesus to heal your wounds,
which you, dear children,
during your life
sustained because of your sins
or the sins of your parents.
(While cradling Jesus on the Cross, we can open our hearts to Him for healing. Jesus died for us so that we could be healed of the evil that has harmed us all our lives…)
Only in this way, dear children,
you will understand
that the world is in need of healing of faith in God the Creator.
(Once we experience Jesus’ healing love, we will see how many others are in need of that same healing, especially in the healing of their faith. So many are left alone in despair without Jesus.)
By Jesus’ passion and death on the cross,
you will understand that only through prayer
you, too, can become true apostles of faith;
when, in simplicity and prayer,
you live faith which is a gift.
(As we gaze upon Jesus’ death on the Cross, we will receive the grace to share His love with others, so that they will believe in Him and be saved.)
Thank you for having responded to my call.”
(Our Lady is always so grateful for our attention and our open ears. She doesn’t expect that anyone will listen to her. She is so humble…)
We pray: Dear Jesus, be lifted up in our hearts today. May we gaze upon your wounds and see our salvation. May we contemplate your pain, and unite our little pains to yours, for the needs of others. May we realize that the world is in need of healing of faith in God the Creator, and do all we can to provide that healing. We love you, Jesus. We love you, Mary.
In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
(c)Mary TV 2022
PS. Our shipmates, Reuben and Maggie Purchase are arranging a pilgrimage to Medjugorje departing from the United Kingdom on April 25, 2022 and return on May 5, 2022!! Contact Reuben at [email protected] . This is a wonderful time to go to Medjugorje!
PPS. Mike Nolan has groups leaving from the USA and you can contact him at [email protected]!!