(c)Mary TV 2020
April 9, 2020
Holy Thursday
Dear Family of Mary!
“Dear children… Be my spiritually pure children. In spirituality is beauty. Everything that is spiritual is alive and very beautiful. Do not forget that in the Eucharist, which is the heart of faith, my Son is always with you. He comes to you and breaks bread with you; because, my children, for your sake He died, He resurrected and is coming anew. These words of mine are familiar to you because they are the truth, and the truth does not change…” (May 02, 2016)
Our Lady calls us to the greatest mystery of our faith, the gift of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. She wants us to discover her Son, waiting for us in the Blessed Host. She wants us to have a true and lasting love for Jesus in the Eucharist. He is our only and best hope!! And tonight, we remember the Institution of the Eucharist, enacted by the Savior on the night before He died. This is Holy Thursday!!!
It is a great suffering and sacrifice that on this most important night, most of us cannot physically attend Holy Mass and receive Jesus, our Eucharistic Lord. We can only offer up our sorrow to the Lord and thank Him for all the years when we were able to attend the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper. We can also ask forgiveness for the times when we didn’t recognize and understand His True Presence. This is a time to strengthen our desire for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Our united hearts, longing for Jesus, can’t help but move the Father to heal our poor world of its woes.
Here is a beautiful litany written by St. Faustina which expressed her awe and deep love for Jesus, present in the Blessed Sacrament. (Diary Entry 356) Maybe her words will expand our hearts as well:
O Blessed Host, in whom is contained the testament of God’s mercy for us, and especially for poor sinners.
O Blessed Host, in whom is contained the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus as proof of infinite mercy for us, and especially for poor sinners.
O Blessed Host, in whom is contained life eternal and of infinite mercy, dispensed in abundance to us and especially to poor sinners.
O Blessed Host, in whom is contained the mercy of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit toward us, and especially toward poor sinners.
O Blessed Host, in whom is contained the infinite price of mercy which will compensate for all our debts, and especially those of poor sinners.
O Blessed Host, in whom is contained the fountain of living water which springs from infinite mercy for us, and especially for poor sinners.
O Blessed Host, in whom is contained the fire of purest love which blazes forth from the bosom of the Eternal Father, as from an abyss of infinite mercy for us, and especially for poor sinners.
Blessed Host, in whom is contained the medicine for all our infirmities, flowing from infinite mercy, as from a fount, for us and especially for poor sinners.
O Blessed Host, in whom is contained the union between God and us through His infinite mercy for us, and especially for poor sinners.
O Blessed Host, in whom are contained all the sentiments of the most sweet Heart of Jesus toward us, and especially poor sinners.
O Blessed Host, our only hope in all the sufferings and adversities of life.
O Blessed Host, our only hope in the midst of darkness and of storms within and without.
O Blessed Host, our only hope in life and at the hour of our death.
O Blessed Host, our only hope in the midst of adversities and floods of despair.
O Blessed Host, our only hope in the midst of falsehood and treason.
O Blessed Host, our only hope in the midst of the darkness and Godlessness which inundate the earth.
O Blessed Host, our only hope in the longing and pain in which no one will understand us.
O Blessed Host, our only hope in the toil and monotony of everyday life.
O Blessed Host, our only hope amid the ruin of our hopes and endeavors.
O Blessed Host, our only hope in the midst of the ravages of the enemy and the efforts of hell.
O Blessed Host, I trust in You when the burdens are beyond my strength and I find my efforts are fruitless.
O Blessed Host, I trust in You when storms toss my heart about and my fearful spirit tends to despair.
O Blessed Host, I trust in You when my heart is about to tremble and mortal sweat moistens my brow.
O Blessed Host, I trust in You when everything conspires against me and black despair creeps into my soul.
O Blessed Host, I trust in You when my eyes will begin to grow dim to all temporal things and, for the first time, my spirit will behold the unknown worlds.
O Blessed Host, I trust in You when my tasks will be beyond my strength and adversity will become my daily lot.
O Blessed Host I trust in You when the practice of virtue will appear difficult for me and my nature will grow rebellious.
O Blessed Host, I trust in You when hostile blows will be aimed against me.
O Blessed Host, I trust in You when my toils and efforts will be misjudged by others.
O Blessed Host, I trust in You when Your judgments will resound over me; it is then that I will trust in the sea of Your mercy.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
© Mary TV 2020
Cathy Nolan
© Mary TV 2020
PS. Here is the schedule of Liturgies streamed live from St. James Church for these next three days. The times are Medjugorje times. I hope this will help you in arranging your schedules for the Triduum.
Prayer and Holy Mass Schedule – streamed live from Medjugorje
Holy Thursday – April 9, 2020:
- (17:00-18:00) Evening Rosary
- (18:00-19:00) Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Good Friday – April 10, 2020:
- (17:00-18:00) Evening Rosary
- (18:00-19:00) Celebration of the Passion of the Lord
Holy Saturday, April 11, 2020:
- (19:00-20:00) Evening Rosary
- (20:00-21:30) Easter Vigil Mass
Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020:
- (11:00-12:30) Parish Croatian Easter Mass
- (17:00-18:00) Evening Rosary
- (18:00-19:30) Easter Sunday Mass