August 10, 2023
Dear Family of Mary!
Day 3 of our preparation for the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
Pope Benedict XVI wrote:
3. By looking at Mary’s Assumption into Heaven we understand better that even though our daily life may be marked by trials and difficulties, it flows like a river to the divine ocean, to the fullness of joy and peace. We understand that our death is not the end but rather the entrance into life that knows no death. Our setting on the horizon of this world is our rising at the dawn of the new world, the dawn of the eternal day.” (Pope Benedict XVI)
The Assumption does show us that life does not end at death. Our Lady’s life flowed on, without a break, into Heaven. And we are called to see our lives in just this way…a natural progression into eternity! Our Lady has been preparing us through her messages for that natural progression. Here is an example:
August 25, 2006
“Dear children! Also today I call you to pray, pray, pray.
Only in prayer will you be near to me and my Son and you will see how short this life is. In your heart a desire for Heaven will be born.
Joy will begin to rule in your heart and prayer will begin to flow like a river.
In your words there will only be thanksgiving to God for having created you and the desire for holiness will become a reality for you.
Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Our Lady calls us to a life of prayer, in which we will begin to see the far off horizon of Heaven, and our hearts will yearn for that place where God is waiting for us. Our prayer will flow like a river, carrying us to our destination. Holiness, love, peace, a desire for God… these will move us along our way! That was Mary’s way as well!
Let us pray:
Mother Mary, your Assumption into Heaven did not take you away from us, but rather opened the way for you to draw close to each one of us and mother us with your incredible love. You are here with us today. We want to draw very close to you, and to be guided by you in everything. Mother please make us presentable, and then present us to your Son, that we might live with Him and You in Heaven forever!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan