Happy Birthday, Dearest Mother Mary!!
Day 5 of the Youth Festival
Birthday of Our Lady!
Dear Family of Mary!
We have reached the last full day of the Youth Festival 2021! How did the time go by so quickly? This day is often bittersweet. The participants are exhausted but full of joy and hope. They have received the truth in so many forms, from testimonies of lives saved by the Gospa, to Church teaching, to deep prayer and communion with Jesus! We don’t want to leave, but feel called to carry back to our homes the salvation graces we have received!
Here is the Schedule for Thursday, Day 5 of the Festival! Join us at Mary TV!!
10.00 – Prayer, Catechesis and Testimonies
12.00 – The Angelus
16.00 – Daily Rosary ( Denis & Cathy)
17.00 – Testimonies
18.00 – Parish Rosary
19.00 – Evening Holy Mass
20.30 – 21.30 – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
21.30 – 22.30 – MISSION Singing farewell
(Also remember that on Friday, August 6, the only event is Holy Mass on Cross Mountain, at 5:00 AM!!! It will be streamed live, and archived! Praise God!!)
Remember that you can view all the videos in our Festival Archive at this link:
Happy Birthday, Dear Mother Mary!
I would like to remind us all that August 5 is a special day! In August of 1984 Our Lady shared a secret with the visionaries. She told them that her actual birth date is August 5! And in 1984 it was her 2000th birthday! The visionaries recall that Our Lady asked them to spend 3 days, fasting and praying for her intentions so that on her birthday she could receive the gifts she desired.
The visionaries complied with her request. For three days they fasted, and their prayer group fasted, and prayed. During those three days the visionaries say that Our Lady was very joyful and she repeated to them: “I am very happy, continue, continue, continue to pray and to fast!!!”
Our Lady also told the visionaries “The priest who will hear confession will have great joy on that day.”
When August 5th arrived there were over 70 priests present, hearing confessions without rest, and there were a great number of conversions. It was reported that the stoles of the priests who were hearing confession on that day were dripping with the tears of those confessing.
When Our Lady appeared, she told the visionaries, “Never in my life have I cried with sorrow, as I have cried this evening with joy. Thank you!”
Like a flower when it blooms, and full of joy, Our Lady also said: “Continue, continue, open your hearts, ask God and I will ask for you.”
It seems that Our Lady’s intentions were for the conversion of her children! And she received many souls back into the life of grace that day!!
Let’s give Our Lady a birthday present today!! Pray an extra Rosary in her honor and for her intentions, especially for the conversion of her children. We love you, dearest Mother Mary!!
In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV 2021
PS. Please continue to pray for our team! They are working day and night to provide the most spectacular coverage of the Festival!! Thank you, Mary TV Team in Medjugorje!!!