Author: Cathy Nolan

April 23, 2021 Reflection – “Thank you for having responded to my call”

  Thank you for having responded to my call! April 23, 2021 Dear Family of Mary! For almost 40 years now, Our Lady has been giving us messages through her visionaries in Medjugorje. And one of her favorite ways to end her messages is this: Thank you for having responded to my call.” This wonderful Mother, who has spent these last 40 years attending to our needs and troubles, encouraging us, scolding us when needed, teaching us and inspiring us, always remembers to thank us for having responded to her call. I am sure she receives a broad range of responses from us. Acceptance, excitement, confusion, wonder, fear, hope, love… Our responses may be inadequate and small. But she is grateful for all of them, because she loves us and is trying to help us to change and grow and become holy and ready for eternal life. She will work with anything we give her. Any small gesture or prayer will give her room to come into our hearts and help us. What a Mother!!! On Sunday we hope to receive Our Mother’s message through Marija, who receives messages for the world on the 25th of each month. Our hearts have become accustomed to Our Mother’s love letters. But what if there was no message on Sunday? What would it feel like? It would be very hard for me, I am sure. With that in mind, let’s pray with hope and anticipation for the message to come to us! And let us review the message from March, searching our hearts to be sure we have responded in some concrete way to Our Lady’s words to us: “Dear children! Also, today I am with you to tell you: Little children, [he] who prays does not fear the future and does not lose hope. You are chosen to carry joy and peace, because you are mine. I have come here with the name ‘Queen of Peace’ because the devil wants peacelessness and war, he wants to fill your heart with fear of the future – but the future is God’s. That is why, be humble and pray, and surrender everything into the hands of the Most High Who created you. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (March 25, 2021) In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2021 P.S. Thank you to all who have donated to the Fiber Optic project! We are witnessing a miracle here! So many of you are donating!! Thank you!!! And for those who still want to donate, please do!! You can donate on our website using the “Donate” link at the top right hand side of the page. Thank you so much!!!!    

April 22, 2021 Reflection – “Believing in Eternal Life”

Believing in Eternal Life April 22, 2021 Dear Family of Mary! “O my God, how I pity those people who do not believe in eternal life; how I pray for them that a ray of mercy would envelop them too, and that God would clasp them to His fatherly bosom.” (Diary 780) St. Faustina wrote these words in her Diary. She had been given visions of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory. She was very aware of life after death. For her, it was unthinkable to not attain life with Jesus, forever. But, we see in our day that many people live with a practical atheism which tells them that there is no life after death, no consequences for their choices in this life, nothing to live for but this life. These poor souls are in such danger. Our Lady has spoken to us so many times about heaven, eternity, life forever with her Son. She is a good mother, and does not want us to walk in the dark. She does not want anyone to be lost for eternity. Here is a beautiful message she gave in 2019, in which she pleads with us to understand our future and to help her bring souls unto God: October 2, 2019: “Dear children, the will and the love of the Heavenly Father make it so that I am among you, that I, with a motherly love, may help the growth of faith in your heart, for you to be able to truly comprehend the purpose of earthly life and the greatness of the heavenly one. My children, the earthly life is the way to eternity, to truth, and to life – to my Son. I desire to lead you on that way. You, my children – you who always thirst for more love, truth, and faith – need to know that there is only one spring from which you can drink. It is trust in the Heavenly Father; it is trust in His love. Abandon yourselves completely to His will and do not be afraid. Everything that is best for you, everything that leads you to eternal life, will be given to you. You will comprehend that the purpose of life is not always to want and take, but to love and give. You will have true peace and true love. You will be apostles of love. By your example, you will make it so that those children who do not know my Son and His love may desire to come to know Him. My children, apostles of my love, adore my Son with me and love Him above all. Always strive to live in His truth. Thank you.” Our Lady wants us to live in God’s truth and the knowledge of eternal life, and draw as many souls into that truth as possible. She wants us to pray for and be examples for those who do not yet know Jesus. If we live out of the truth of God and the reality of eternity, we will be examples for those who do not know it yet. But it takes courage. The kind of courage that comes from receiving the love of God for us in prayer. May we pray, pray, pray, in these days for the courage that comes from love, so that we can give the love to those who do not know God. It will be a gift for them that lasts forever…. In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2021 P.S. Thank you to all who have donated to the Fiber Optic project! We are witnessing a miracle here! So many of you are donating!! Thank you!!! And for those who still want to donate, please do!! You can donate on our website using the “Donate” link at the top right hand side of the page. Thank you so much!!!!    

April 21, 2021 Reflection – “Eternal Life”

  “Eternal Life!” April 21, 2021 Dear Family of Mary! Jesus tells us today: “For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him on the last day.” (John 6:40) The Father’s will is that we receive eternal life, that we will be drawn into heaven through the love of Jesus. Our Lady is with us to help us see her Son and believe, so that we will be saved. Her messages are given to us to help us: “Choose life and not death of the soul, little children, and in this time when you meditate upon the suffering and death of Jesus I invite you to decide for life which blossomed through the Resurrection, and that your life may be renewed today through conversion that shall lead you to eternal life.” (4/25/96) “Little children, allow the Holy Spirit to lead you on the way of truth and salvation towards eternal life.” (05/25/98) “Decide every day to dedicate time to God and to prayer until prayer becomes a joyful meeting with God for you. Only in this way will your life have meaning and with joy you will contemplate eternal life..” (4/25/2000) “Dear children! With great joy in my heart I thank you for all the prayers that, in these days, you offered for my intentions. Know, little children, that you will not regret it, neither you nor your children. God will reward you with great graces and you will merit eternal life.” (6/25/06) “Do not forget that you are passers-by on this earth and that things can give you small joys, while through my Son, eternal life is given to you. That is why I am with you, to lead you towards what your heart yearns for.” (12/25/17) “Renounce sin and choose eternal life.” (1/25/08) “Spend all the more time in prayer and Adoration of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, for Him to change you and to put into your hearts a living faith and a desire for eternal life.” (3/25/08) “Anew I call you to follow me with joy. I desire to lead all of you to my Son, your Savior. You are not aware that without Him you do not have joy and peace, nor a future or eternal life.” (7/25/10) “Pray and seek the intercession of all the saints. May they be for you an example, an incentive and a joy towards eternal life. (10/25/10) “You are precious and I call you, little children, to holiness, to eternal life. Therefore, be aware that this life is passing. I love you and call you to a new life of conversion.” (5/25/14) “You, little children, are poor in love and you still have not comprehended that my Son Jesus, out of love, gave His life to save you and to give you eternal life. Therefore pray, little children, pray so that in prayer you may comprehend God’s love.” (3/25/16) “Prayer, little children, is the heart of faith and is hope in eternal life. Therefore, pray with the heart until your heart sings with thanksgiving to God the Creator who gave you life.” (6/25/17) “The devil wants peacelessness and disorder, but you, little children, be the joy of the risen Jesus who died and resurrected for each of you. He conquered death to give you life, eternal life.” (4/25/19) Mother, we want to see Jesus and believe! We want to be those whose eyes are opened by our faith to see Our Lord and follow Him. We know you are with us to help us. We will follow you, knowing you will lead us to your Son. You teach us to see Him. We thank you and love you. Amen In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2021 P.S. Thank you to all who have donated towards our “Fiber Optic Internet Project” that we announced on last Wednesday! We are in awe at how quickly and generously you shipmates have responded!! As we said on Wednesday during the Rosary, we need to provide a Fiber Optic internet connection to our main channel server in Texas. It will cost about $45,000!!! But we have faith that Our Lady wants this connection, so that Mary TV will have a strong link to the world for the days ahead. You can donate on our website using the “Donate” link at the top right hand side of the page. Thank you so much!!!!    

April 20, 2021 Reflection – “Yearn for Eternity…”

  Yearn for Eternity April 20, 2021 Dear Family of Mary! I have been pondering eternity a lot these days. Our earthly lives are not eternal. They are temporal. They have a beginning and an end. The dictionary says: Temporal comes from the Latin word temporalis which means “of time”. The earth began billions of years ago, and will probably end billions of years from now. But it has a beginning and an end. Beginnings and endings surround. We cannot escape them. We do not know what eternity feels like. But we can imagine it. God is eternal. No beginning and no end. He is the author of our beginnings. But He is not subject to time. Yet He loves us and wants to introduce us into His endless life. He wants to embrace us and give us a life without end with Him in joy. Do we realize what a gift this is? Do we ponder it? Our Lady has spoken to us about eternity in her messages. She wants us to believe in our eternal life with God, to desire it, and to work towards it as best we can. She is with us to lead us to eternity, with God. I have gathered some of her words about our eternal destiny, so that we can ponder them. We need to be open to God’s gift of life with Him and that takes faith! Faith in His forever love for us. Our Lady understands our blindness to eternity, and wants to help us to see the truth of it. Let’s pray this litany of eternity and let her words bring us light: Our Lady speaks about eternity: I desire that each one of you discover the way of holiness and grow in it until eternity. I will pray for you and intercede for you before God that you understand the greatness of this gift which God is giving me that I can be with you. (04/25/90) Little children, I am your Mother and I desire to reveal to you the God of love and the God of peace. I do not desire for your life to be in sadness but that it be realized in joy for eternity, according to the Gospel. Only in this way will your life have meaning.(12/25/96) Dear children! Do not forget that you are here on earth on the way to eternity and that your home is in Heaven. (07/25/2000) Little children, at this time, in a special way, I pray before God to give you the gift of faith. Only in faith will you discover the joy of the gift of life that God has given you. Your heart will be joyful thinking of eternity. (11/25/05) Little children, when you pray you are close to God and He gives you the desire for eternity. (11/25/06) I desire, little children, for each of you to fall in love with eternal life which is your future, and for all worldly things to be a help for you to draw you closer to God the Creator. (01/25/09) Little children, draw even closer to my Immaculate Heart so that I can lead all of you toward eternity. (06/25/11) When in nature you look at the richness of the colors which the Most High gives to you, open your heart and pray with gratitude for all the good that you have and say: ‘I am here created for eternity’ – and yearn for heavenly things because God loves you with immeasurable love. (09/25/12) Little children, be aware that your life is short and passing. Therefore, yearn for eternity and keep preparing your hearts in prayer. (10/25/14) I bless you with my Son Jesus and call you not to lose hope; and for your gaze and heart to always be directed towards Heaven and eternity. In this way, you will be open to God and to His plans. (12/25/16) Open your hearts to the gifts which He desires to give you and, in the silence of your heart, adore my Son Jesus who has given His life so that you may live in eternity – where He desires to lead you. (05/25/18) I desire for all of you to be with me in eternity, because you are a part of me. I will help you on your way. My love will envelop you like a mantle and make of you apostles of my light – of God’s light. (07/2/14) My children, ceaselessly think of my Son and love Him immeasurably and you will have true life, and that will be for eternity. (07/02/18) The life of each of you is important and precious, because it is a gift from the Heavenly Father for eternity. Therefore, do not ever forget to keep on thanking Him: speak to Him. (08/2/18) My children, the earthly life is the way to eternity, to truth, and to life – to my Son. I desire to lead you on that way. (10/2/19) I am asking that you love, that you convey the truth; because truth is old, it is not new, it is eternal, it is truth. It testifies to God’s eternity. Bring the light of my Son and keep breaking the darkness which all the more wants to seize you. Do not be afraid. Through the grace and the love of my Son, I am with you. (06/2/2020) Amen and Amen! Do not be afraid for she is with us!! In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2021 P.S. Thank you to all who have donated towards our “Fiber Optic Internet Project” that we announced on last Wednesday! We are in awe at how quickly and generously you shipmates have responded!! As we said on Wednesday during the Rosary, we need to provide a Fiber Optic internet connection to our main channel server in Texas. It will cost about $45,000!!! But we have faith that Our Lady wants this connection, so that Mary TV will have a strong link to the world for the days ahead. You can donate on our website using the “Donate” link at the top right hand side of the page. Thank you so much!!!!    

April 19, 2021 Reflection – “This is the work of God…”

“Doing the work of God!” April 19, 2021 Dear Family of Mary! This is the Gospel for today! Jesus teaches us what not to do when we see a miracle!! [After Jesus had fed the five thousand men, his disciples saw him walking on the sea.] The next day, the crowd that remained across the sea saw that there had been only one boat there, and that Jesus had not gone along with his disciples in the boat, but only his disciples had left. Other boats came from Tiberias near the place where they had eaten the bread when the Lord gave thanks. When the crowd saw that neither Jesus nor his disciples were there, they themselves got into boats and came to Capernaum looking for Jesus. And when they found him across the sea they said to him, “Rabbi, when did you get here?” Jesus answered them and said, “Amen, amen, I say to you, you are looking for me not because you saw signs but because you ate the loaves and were filled. Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him the Father, God, has set his seal.” So they said to him, “What can we do to accomplish the works of God?” Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in the one he sent.” (John 6:22-29) The huge crowd of people who had been fed with only a few loaves and fishes were very excited to discover where Jesus went during the night. They knew he didn’t get in the boat with the apostles. They were watching carefully for Jesus. But when they realized he wasn’t there, they decided to cross the water to find the apostles and figure this out! They suspected that Jesus was up to something, maybe another miracle. When they got to the other side and found Jesus, they began to question Him on how He got there. But Jesus was not about to play games with them. “Amen, amen, I say to you, you are looking for me not because you saw signs but because you ate the loaves and were filled.” The people were thinking only about temporal realities, food! Jesus was not doing miracles for temporal power. He was trying to heal their souls and turn their eyes towards eternity. “Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you!” Jesus was trying to get them to see the real food they needed, the food of salvation and eternal life. How often do we work for food that perishes? It is so easy to only think of our life in terms of this world. So they ask again, “What can we do to accomplish the works of God?” “This is the work of God, that you believe in the one He sent.” Our job is very simple. We must stop trying to figure out how Jesus does what He does. We must set aside our hope for temporal power. Jesus is not with us to make us rich in this world. He is with us to give us eternal life with Him in Heaven. And our only task is to believe in Him, with all our might. To believe that the Father has sent Him to us to give us eternal life. Believe in the one He sent! Never stop believing in Jesus. Stand in that belief! It will take all our strength in these days to hold on to our belief! Work at it!! Work!!! Believe!! Our Lady told us: “Dear children, today, on this day of grace, in a special way I am calling you to open your hearts and to implore Jesus to strengthen your faith. Children, through prayer with the heart, faith and works you will come to know what it means to live a sincere Christian life. Often times, children, darkness, pain and crosses overwhelm your hearts. Do not waver in faith and ask ‘why’ because you think that you are alone and abandoned. Instead, open your hearts, pray and believe firmly and then your heart will feel God’s nearness and that God never abandons you – that He is beside you at every moment. Through prayer and faith, God will answer your every ‘why’ and transform your every pain, darkness and cross into light. Thank you.” (December 25, 2019, Jakov) Our Lady is our best example of doing the work of God. She never wavered in her belief, never once. We see her greatest act of faith under the cross of her Son. She will help us to do the work of God in our lives. She will strengthen our faith when we need her help. Now, as never before, God needs believers here on earth. Our job is to believe for all those who do not believe. Let’s do the work of God! In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2021 P.S. Thank you to all who have donated towards our “Fiber Optic Internet Project” that we announced on Wednesday! We are in awe at how quickly and generously you shipmates have responded!! As we said on Wednesday during the Rosary, we need to provide a Fiber Optic internet connection to our main channel server in Texas. It will cost about $45,000!!! But we have faith that Our Lady wants this connection, so that Mary TV will have a strong link to the world for the days ahead. You can donate on our website using the “Donate” link at the top right hand side of the page. Thank you so much!!!!  

April 16, 2021 Reflection – “I am with you…part 2”

  “I am with you…part 2” April 16, 2021 Dear Family of Mary! Our Lady has been with us for almost 40 years now, in this most extraordinary way! She is truly present in Medjugorje. We experience her nearness in such an intimate way, through her loving signs and gifts to us. But we know there is a very important reason for her coming. She has been sent by the Father to draw us into the safety of His love at this very decisive moment. She explains to us: “Dear children! I am with you even if you are not conscious of it. I want to protect you from everything that Satan offers you and through which he wants to destroy you. As I bore Jesus in my womb, so also, dear children, do I wish to bear you into holiness. God wants to save you and sends you messages through men, nature, and so many things which can only help you to understand that you must change the direction of your life. Therefore, little children, understand also the greatness of the gift which God is giving you through me, so that I may protect you with my mantle and lead you to the joy of life. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (March 25, 1990) Our Lady is with us to protect us with her mantle and to lead us to the joy of life! She has come to stand against the enemy and protect her children. She wants to help us in all our trials and struggles. St. Faustina experienced this same daily help from Our Lady : December 9, 1936. This morning, I left for Pradnik. Sister Chrysostom drove me here. I have a private room to myself; I am very much like a Carmelite. When Sister Chrysostom had left and I was alone, I steeped myself in prayer, entrusting myself to the special protection of the Mother of God. She alone is always with me. She, like a good Mother, watches over all my trials and efforts. (St. Faustina’s Diary, 798) Like a good Mother, she watches over us in our trials and efforts too. She even carries us in her womb as she did Jesus, to bear us into holiness! What a mother!! Here is another section of our little litany: A litany of Our Lady’s Presence: You can respond “Thank you for being with me!”: I am with you and I love you with the immeasurable love of Jesus. I am with you and I desire to take you into my heart and protect you, but you have not yet decided. Therefore, dear children, I am seeking for you to pray, so through prayer you would allow me to help you. I am with you and I intercede for you with God, that He protect you. I am with you and your suffering is also mine. I am with you and I desire to lead you on the path to salvation that Jesus gives you. I am with you and I am waiting for you. I am with you and each day I bless you with my maternal blessing so that Our Lord may fill you abundantly with His grace for your daily life. I am with you and I wish to reveal to you and show you the God who loves you. Today again I would like to say to you that I am with you also in these troubled days during which satan wishes to destroy all that my Son Jesus and I are building. Dear children, it is a grace that I am with you. That is why you should accept and live my messages for your own good. I love you and that is why I am with you, in order to teach you and to lead you to a new life of conversion and renunciation. I am with you and I guide you into a new time, a time which God gives you as grace so that you may get to know him more. I am with you and place you all under my mantle. And, dear children, do not forget that I am with you and I am helping you with my prayer that God may give you the strength to love. I bless and love you with my motherly love. I am with you and I intercede before God for each one of you because, dear children, each one of you is important in my plan of salvation. I am with you and bless all of you day by day. Dear children, these are special times and, therefore, I am with you to love and protect you; to protect your hearts from satan and to bring you all closer to the heart of my Son, Jesus. I am with you and I intercede before God for you but also I wait for your hearts to open up to my messages. Dear children! I am with you and I rejoice today because the Most High has granted me to be with you and to teach you and to guide you on the path of perfection. Dearest Mother, our lives have been changed by your presence with us. We are your children, now, in a very real way. Please do not leave us. Help us to grow in our awareness of your presence in our everyday lives. We want to help you in the great plan for the salvation of mankind that the Father has given to you and through you, to us. May your heart be our guide and your motherly presence be our strength! Amen In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2021 P.S. Thank you to all who have donated towards our “Fiber Optic Internet Project” that we announced on Wednesday! We are in awe at how quickly and generously you shipmates have responded!! As we said on Wednesday during the Rosary, we need to provide a Fiber Optic internet connection to our main channel server in Texas. It will cost about $45,000!!! But we have faith that Our Lady wants this connection, so that Mary TV will have a strong link to the world for the days ahead. You can donate on our website using the “Donate” link at the top right hand side of the page. Thank you so much!!!!    

April 14, 2021 Update from Denis

April 14, 2021Dear Family of Mary TV, Apostles of the Gospa of Medjugorje: Our Lady has warned in her messages that the devil is spreading fear and confusion. There is confusion and fear surrounding the covid vaccine (CNN reports, for example, that nearly 40% of US Marines refuse to take it)….. Perhaps its been too much mingled with politics. If out of fear, the apostles of the Gospa take the vaccine, the devil wins. If out of fear, the apostles of the Gospa don’t take the vaccine, the devil wins. We shouldn’t be making decisions out of fear. We should be making decisions in peace. Only in peace Our Lady wins. Starting 4 minutes into today’s English Mass homily (link below) Fr. Leon presents information to help the faithful decide whether or not to take the vaccine. As a doctor and moral theologian, Fr. Leon released the attached article today…going a little more in depth into the discussion… (This is the updated edition of Fr. Leon’s article) Thank you and God bless you! Denis Nolan PS.  Over the past year, Our Lady’s children in 170 countries stayed connected to Medjugorje through Mary TV.  It’s you monthly donors who gave this gift to Mary! Donations have fallen off. We need more monthly donors to continue.  Thank you for all you have done for Mary TV!!  

April 15, 2021 Reflection – “I am with you…”

“I am with you…” April 15, 2021 Dear Family of Mary! It has become more and more evident to me that Our Lady speaks to us quite literally. At least in this one way, she has been telling us the literal truth. Our Lady has told us “I am with you,” at least 233 times in her messages. And she has said it in other ways as well: I am coming to you, or I am by your side, or I am here… She wants us to know that she is with us. I used to think this was only true when she appeared to the visionaries. Of course she is with us then!! And yes, her presence during the apparitions is quite tangible. There is a peace that surrounds you when she comes, and sense of fresh air, of deep contentment, etc. These visits from Our Lady are amazing! But more and more I have become aware that Our Lady is not with us just at apparition time, but all the time! Recently I knelt down to pray during an apparition, connected by internet, and as I got down on my knees, I heard a very sweet voice remind me, “Don’t forget the rice on the stove!” I jumped up to turn off the rice before it burned, and then came back to the computer, and that was when I realized that the voice was not mine. I had completely forgotten the rice. It was Our Lady’s voice. She is with me! Since then, I have felt her very near. I think she wanted me to know she is near. She is with us all I believe, all of us who are living her call from Medjugorje. She is with us! Our Lady needs us to be her extended hands, her helpers in these days. She is ready to work through us for the conversion of souls, so much in need of God’s love. Well, I want to share with you a little litany consisting of some of the things Our Lady has said to us over the years about her presence among us. It won’t be exhaustive, because there are hundreds of times she has spoken of her presence. But it may give us peace and a sense of security to know that she is with us, each one of us! A litany of Our Lady’s Presence: This message sets the stage for us. Our Lady is with us for this reason: January 25, 1987 The first apparition of the 25th of the month, given to Marija, for the parish: “Today I want to appeal to all of you to start living a new life from this day on. Dear children, I wish that you would understand that God has chosen each one of you to have a part in the great plan for the salvation of mankind. You cannot fully understand how great your role is in God’s design. For that reason, pray, dear children, so that through prayer, you may be able to know your role in God’s plan. I am with you, so that you may be able to realize it fully. The Litany of Our Lady’s Presence. You can respond “Thank you for being with me!”: I am with you and I want you to believe me, that I love you. I am with you and I am rejoicing because of your conversion and I am protecting you with my motherly mantle. Little children, do not be afraid, because I am with you even if you think there is no way out and that satan is in control. I am bringing peace to you, I am your mother, the Queen of Peace. I am with you and I intercede for you in front of God, so watch in vigil, so that every encounter in prayer be the joy of your contact with God. I am with you and unceasingly keep watch over every heart which is given to me. I am with you and I intercede for you every day before God. Children, I am with you and I want to introduce you continuously to the joy of life. I am with you and I wish to teach you to pray with the heart. I am with you even if you are not conscious of it. I want to protect you from everything that satan offers you and through which he wants to destroy you. I am with you and I desire, dear children, that each one of you be ever closer to my heart. I am with you and I desire to help you to grow in renunciation and mortification, that you may be able to understand the beauty of the life of people who go on giving themselves to me in special way. I am with you and I desire to lead you along the same path to heaven, which is beautiful for those who discover it in prayer. I am with you and I am protecting you even though satan wishes to destroy my plans and to hinder the desires which the Heavenly Father wants to realize here. I am with you and I desire to help you with my prayers and I desire to guide you on the path of peace. I am with you and day after day I offer your sacrifices and prayers to God for the salvation of the world. I am with you and I accompany you with my blessing and my prayers. I am with you and I am grateful to God for every moment spent with you. Dear children, I am with you and I desire to help each of you to live and by living, to witness the good news. I am here, dear children, to help you and to lead you to heaven, and in heaven is the joy through which you can already live heaven now. Dearest Mother, our lives have been changed by your presence with us. We are your children, now, in a very real way. Please do not leave us. Help us to grow in our awareness of your presence in our everyday lives. We want to help you in the great plan for the salvation of mankind that the Father has given to you and through you, to us. May your heart be our guide and your motherly presence be our strength! Amen (I will continue this litany tomorrow…We need to really understand that Our Lady is here with us!) In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2021    

April 14, 2021 Reflection – For God so loved the world…

  For God so loved the world… April 14, 2021 Dear Family of Mary! The Gospel for today is John 3: 16-21. St. John makes it clear that Jesus was given to us by the Father, as the sign of His endless love and forgiveness. Jesus was given to us to turn our hearts back to Him, with trust and belief! And Jesus completed His task perfectly, making it completely clear that we are loved, so completely loved, by God. It should make us weep to think that anyone could reject this love. But it seems we do. Let’s contemplate St. John’s words with hearts open to this mystery of love by which we are saved: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. He who believes in him is not condemned; he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. And this is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one who does evil hates the light, and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does what is true comes to the light, that it may be clearly seen that his deeds have been wrought in God.” (John 3:16-21) Our Lady spoke to our poor, darkened hearts in this message from 2016. God has not given up on us yet. He is sending Our Lady to again awaken faith and love in our hearts: March 25, 2016“Dear children! Today I am carrying my love to you… God permitted me to love you and, out of love, to call you to conversion.. You, little children, are poor in love and you still have not comprehended that my Son Jesus, out of love, gave His life to save you and to give you eternal life. Therefore pray, little children, pray so that in prayer you may comprehend God’s love. Thank you for having responded to my call.” Mother, open our hearts! Open them to your love, so that we will begin to learn what love is. Then draw us to the love of your Son, Jesus, and teach us to really see it as well, and finally accept it completely. Our hearts are so constricted and sick that we need you to heal them with your love and then open them to the endless love of your Son, Jesus. Then we will truly be saved. In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2021  

April 13, 2021 Reflection – A new birth from above!

  A New Birth from Above! April 13, 2021 Dear Family of Mary! From the Gospel for today: “Jesus said to Nicodemus: ‘You must be born from above.’” (John 3: 7 ) Nicodemus doesn’t understand how this can happen. What is being born from above? Yesterday he asked Jesus: “How can a man once grown old be born again? Surely he cannot reenter his mother’s womb and be born again, can he?” No we can’t do that. But the birth Jesus wants for us is even more complete, it has to do with being reborn in the Holy Spirit! It is what happens when we are baptized and confirmed! It happens when we convert and are prayed over for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Being born from above is being born into the life of the Holy Spirit! When we receive the Holy Spirit, we receive all the gifts we need to follow Jesus and live the life of a child of God on earth. The Holy Spirit gives us new eyes to see, new ears to hear, what God is doing and saying to us! The Holy Spirit changes everything!! Our Lady told us: November 2, 2007″Dear children, Today I call you to open your hearts to the Holy Spirit and permit Him to transform you. My children, God is the immeasurable good and therefore, as a mother, I implore you: Pray, pray, pray, fast and hope that it is possible to achieve good, because from that good love is born. The Holy Spirit will strengthen that love in you and you will be able to call God your Father. Through this exalted love, you will truly come to love all people and, through God, you will regard them as brothers and sisters. Thank you.” Our Lady tells us that the Holy Spirit can transform us! Transform!! ” I call you to open your hearts to the Holy Spirit and permit Him to transform you.” That means that everything in us can be touched by the powerful love of the Holy Spirit, and everything will be healed and changed by His coming. This transformation is what it means to be born from above!! We are made new!! Every molecule of our body, every part of our soul is regenerated in the love of God! Jesus told Nicodemus: “You must be born from above…” Must be!! There is no other way to enter the Kingdom of God! We must be transformed through a new birth in the Holy Spirit!! Our Lady wants this for us. Let’s ask her to pray with us for this new birth! Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen. In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2021