July 12, 2023 Reflection – I am thanking God for each one of you…

I am thanking God for each one of you…   July 12, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! June 25, 2019 “Dear children! I am thanking God for each of you. In a special way, little children, thank you for having responded to my call. I am preparing you for the new times that you may […]

July 11, 2023 Reflection – Like sheep without a shepherd…

Like sheep without a shepherd…   July 11, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! “Jesus went around to all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom, and curing every disease and illness. At the sight of the crowds, his heart was moved with pity for them because they were […]

July 6, 2023 Reflection – With every morning sunrise…

With every morning sunrise, God calls you to convert…   July 6, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! September 25, 1998 “Dear children! Today, I call you to become my witnesses by living the faith of your fathers. Little children, you seek signs and messages and do not see that, with every morning sunrise, God calls […]

July 5, 2023 Reflection – And God will bless you abundantly

And God will bless you abundantly   July 5, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! Our Lady concluded her June 25, 2023 Message with these words: …return to God and to prayer and God will bless you abundantly…. (June 25, 2023) It seems that Our Lady has come to open our hearts to the blessings that […]

July 4, 2023 Reflection – Return to God and to prayer…

Return to God and to prayer…     July 4, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! Dear children! The Most High permits me to be among you — to pray for you, to be a Mother to you and to be your refuge. Little children, I am calling you: return to God and to prayer and […]

July 3, 2023 Reflection – To be your refuge…

To be your refuge…   July 3, 2023 Feast of St. Thomas Dear Family of Mary! Dear children! The Most High permits me to be among you — to pray for you, to be a Mother to you and to be your refuge. Little children, I am calling you: return to God and to prayer […]

June 29, 2023 Reflection – To be a Mother to you…

  To be a Mother to you… June 29, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! Dear children! The Most High permits me to be among you — to pray for you, to be a Mother to you and to be your refuge. Little children, I am calling you: return to God and to prayer and God […]

June 28, 2023 Reflection – To pray for you…

To pray for you!   June 28, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! Dear children! The Most High permits me to be among you — to pray for you, to be a Mother to you and to be your refuge. Little children, I am calling you: return to God and to prayer and God will bless […]