May 10, 2023 Reflection – I am the vine, you are the branches….

  I am the vine, you are the branches… May 10, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! Our Gospel for today speaks of the way in which we must stay attached to Jesus, as our source of life, just as the branches of a grape plant must stay attached to the vine. All life courses through […]

May 9, 2023 Reflection – Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, we love you!!

Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, we love you!     May 9, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! Let’s love Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament today!!! Litany of the Blessed Sacrament Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God, the Father […]

May 8, 2023 Reflection – The Holy Spirit…will teach you everything…

The Holy Spirit will teach you everything May 8, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! I am sorry to constantly be focusing on the Gospel readings for Holy Mass each day, but I can’t stop!! Jesus speaks to His disciples in such a comforting and powerful way about their life, about how they will live the […]

May 5, 2023 Reflection – I am going to prepare a place for you…

I am going to prepare a place for you…   May 5, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! Jesus speaks such gentle and fatherly words to the disciples in this passage from the Gospel of John. I feel like reading it over and over today and letting His love and assurance wash over me. Listen to […]

May 4, 2023 Reflection – Every Thursday read Matthew 6: 24-34

Every Thursday, read Matthew 6:24-34!   May 4, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! Our Lady tells us: Thursday, March 1, 1984 – Message to Jelena: “Each Thursday, read again the passage of Matthew 6:24-34, before the most Blessed Sacrament, or if it is not possible to come to church, do it with your family.” May […]

May 3, 2023 Reflection – “I am the way, the truth, and the life!”

I am the way, the truth and the life!   May 3, 2023 “Jesus said to Thomas “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) We have heard these words from Jesus many times. But I never stop marveling at how important they […]

May 2, 2023 Reflection – “He firmly holds you by the hand…”

He firmly holds you by the hand! May 2, 2023 “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no […]

May 1, 2023 Reflection – A new life of conversion and holiness!

A new life of conversion and holiness   May 1, 2023 St. Joseph the Worker Dear Family of Mary! St. Joseph! Pray for us!!! First, let’s again prayerfully read the message of April 25, 2023: “Dear children! I am calling all of you to be carriers of the peace and joy of the risen Jesus […]

April 28, 2023 Reflection – Whoever eats this bread will live forever!

    Whoever eats this bread will live forever! April 28, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! First, let’s again prayerfully read the message of April 25, 2023: “Dear children! I am calling all of you to be carriers of the peace and joy of the risen Jesus for all those who are far from prayer; […]

April 27, 2023 Reflection – A Message of Hope!

    April 27, 2023 Dear Family of Mary! After Marija received the monthly message on April 25, she had a brief conversation with Fr. Livio! Our shipmate, Marina, has translated it for us, and I share it with you now. A conversation between Marija and Fr. Livio: Dear friends, we have now, live, Marija […]