December 15, 2022 Reflection – Behold I am sending my messenger…

Behold I am sending my messenger…   December 15, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! Today we hear a bit more about St. John the Baptist in our Gospel. Jesus speaks about John and his role in God’s plan: When the messengers of John the Baptist had left, Jesus began to speak to the crowds about John. […]

December 14, 2022 Reflection – Justice and Peace shall Kiss!

Justice and Peace shall kiss! December 13, 2022 Memorial of St. John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor of the Church Dear Family of Mary! The Responsorial Psalm for today is exceedingly beautiful! Let’s pray it together and feel the great love of God raining down upon us: R. (Isaiah 45:8) Let the clouds rain down […]

December 13, 2022 Reflection – The Future is God’s!

The Future is God’s!   December 13, 2022 St. Lucy Dear Family of Mary! In the first reading for Holy Mass today, the prophet Zephaniah speaks God’s word: “But I will leave as a remnant in your midst a people humble and lowly, who shall take refuge in the name of the Lord: the Remnant […]

December 12, 2022 Reflection – Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe December 12, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! Today we honor Our Lady of Guadalupe! She came in 1531 to Juan Diego, a simple man who lived in Mexico. His conversations with Our Lady have been recorded and they reflect the wonderful motherly relationship she had with Juan Diego. Below is a […]

December 9, 2022 Reflection – St. Juan Diego, pray for us!

St. Juan Diego, pray for us!   December 9, 2022 St. Juan Diego Dear Family of Mary! Today the Church honors St. Juan Diego, the visionary of Mexico, who received the Tilma with Our Lady’s image on it. That Tilma still exists, on display in the Cathedral in Mexico City. It is a miracle!! But […]

December 7, 2022 Reflection – Immaculate Conception Novena Day 9

Immaculate Conception Novena, Day 9   December 7, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! Day 9 of our Novena in honor of the Immaculate Conception! Our Lady gave Jelena Vasilj this beautiful prayer of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary! It think it is fitting for this last day of our Novena. Consecration to the […]

December 6, 2022 Reflection – Immaculate Conception Novena Day 8

Immaculate Conception Novena – Day 8   December 6, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! Day 8 of our Novena in honor of the Immaculate Conception! Today in our prayer, we ask Our Lady to intercede for us with Jesus, her Beloved Son. We ask that she present our petition before Him! I understand how many […]

December 5, 2022 Reflection – Immaculate Conception Novena Day 7

Immaculate Conception Novena, Day 7   December 5, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! Day 7 of our Immaculate Conception Novena! Today we remind ourselves of how highly favored Mary is by God. God raised her up to be the Mother of His Son! He made her free of Original Sin, through the prevenient grace she […]

December 4, 2022 Reflection – Immaculate Conception Novena Day 6

Immaculate Conception Novena Day 6   December 4, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! Let’s pray this Novena to the Immaculate Conception together! We are on Day 6! Today Our Lady speaks to us about her Immaculate Heart. She wants us to be close to her Immaculate Heart, as close as a baby is to his […]