March 16, 2022 Reflection – A Novena for the Annunciation of the Lord

  A Novena for the Annunciation of the Lord March 16, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! Today we begin a Novena for the Annunciation of the Lord. We want to prepare through prayer for this most incredible Feast. I think that the best prayer that we could pray to prepare for the Annunciation would be […]

March 15, 2022 Reflection – You are called to Confession…

You are called to Confession… March 15, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! Tomorrow I would like to begin a novena before the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord. And today I want to share with you something Fr. Slavko Barbaric wrote about Confession in relation to the Annunciation. It is profound. This is an […]

March 14, 2022 Reflection – Your peace and hope are in God…

You peace and hope are in God… March 14, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! January 25, 2001 “Dear children! Today I call you to renew prayer and fasting with even greater enthusiasm until prayer becomes a joy for you. Little children, the one who prays is not afraid of the future and the one who […]

March 11, 2022 Reflection – I am covering you with my mantle…

I am covering you with my mantle… March 11, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! July 2, 2017 “Dear children, Thank you for continuing to respond to my invitations and for gathering here around me, your heavenly mother. I know that you are thinking of me with love and hope. I, too, feel love for all […]

March 10, 2022 Reflection – My Children, pray!

My Children, Pray! March 10, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! September 2, 2019 “Dear children, pray! Pray the Rosary every day – that wreath of flowers which, as a mother, directly connects me with your pains, sufferings, desires, and hopes. Apostles of my love, I am with you through the grace and the love of […]

March 9, 2022 Reflection – Repent!

Repent! March 9, 2022 St. Frances of Rome Dear Family of Mary! In the first reading for Mass today, we hear about the incredible repentance of the people of Nineveh when Jonah prophesied to them (Jonah 3:1-10)! Even the King of Nineveh repented in sack clothe and ashes! But in the Gospel from Luke 11:29-32, […]

March 8, 2022 Reflection – Our Father, who art in Heaven…

Our Father, who art in Heaven… March 8, 2022 St. John of God Dear Family of Mary! Today’s Gospel: Jesus said to his disciples: “In praying, do not babble like the pagans, who think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them. Your Father knows what you need before […]

March 7, 2022 Reflection – The Whole World!

The Whole World March 7, 2022 Sts. Perpetua and Felicity Dear Family of Mary! On Friday, March 4, I had an experience of the Holy Spirit as we were praying with the Parish as they climbed Cross Mountain, doing the Stations of the Cross. (Here is a link to that video: ) I want […]

March 4, 2022 Reflection – Fasting

Fasting! March 4, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! Today we fast! Our Lady has asked us to fast on Wednesdays and Fridays on bread and water. She was firm about this stone. She told us that fasting is necessary to her plans: September 26, 1985“Dear children! I thank you for all the prayers. Thank you […]

March 3, 2022 Reflection – Choose life!

Choose life! March 3, 2022 Dear Family of Mary! Every day of our lives we must make the choice for or against God. We cannot grow slack in making that choice at every moment of every day. Why? Because Satan spends every moment of every day seeking a way to lead us away from God. […]