Sailing together!
December 29, 2020
Dear Mary TV Shipmates,
Blessed and Holy Christmas and New Year!
Cathy and I are so grateful for your companionship on the digital sea, in Our Lady’s ship, Mary TV! Together we have sailed around the world, sharing the messages of Our Lady! It is an honor to sail together!
So many of you have sent us your Christmas Greeting videos! They are wonderful. For those who are still working on your videos, don’t worry, we will add them! Our extended deadline is New Year’s Day! Continue to use this link to upload your videos:
And you can view our Christmas Greeting videos at this link:
We want to thank all of you for your support for Mary TV. Your prayers and financial support are providing a way for Mary’s children to stay connected to her and to each other. Throughout 2020 her children in 175 countries been united in prayer with the parish in Medjugorje, for Holy Mass, the Rosary, Adoration, Veneration of the Cross, and much, much more.
And also thanks to you, we are able to continue adding new programing. This coming year, 2021, we will produce and air an exciting new series with Fr. Raymond Donohue, “An Exorcist Gives Spiritual Advice to Our Lady’s Apostles,” (see his testimony at MaryTV.tv in “Fruit of Medjugorje” episode #335).
And our technology continues to expand! Mary TV is available on Apple TV, and Mary TV’s Medjugorje Internet TV Channel, airing 24/7 in HD, is also available on Roku and Amazon Fire Stick. It is a blessing to have Medjugorje available to us on our TVs! We can have the grace of Medjugorje flowing into our homes through these devices!!
Finally, Good News! Our Matching Grant appeal will stay in effect for three more days. All donations through January 1, 2021 will be doubled!
You can go to our website to see all the ways of donating – www.marytv.tv
Or use this donate button: Donate
Cathy and I want to thank you all for sailing with Our Lady on the digital sea! We are all part of her Armada, advancing in the battle to save souls and hastening the Triumph of the Her Immaculate Heart! Thank you so very much!!!
Thank you and God bless you!
Denis (and Cathy) Nolan