(c)Mary TV 2019
Feeling the motherly love of Mary!!
Feeling the motherly love of Mary!!
December 5, 2019
Dear Family of Mary!
Our Lady concluded the December 2, 2019 message with these words:
“…My Son knows you and loves you. Love is that which brings you to me and through that love I will come to you and speak to you of the works of salvation. I desire for all of my children to have faith and to feel my motherly love which leads them to Jesus. Therefore, you, my children, wherever you go, illuminate with love and faith as apostles of love.”
Our Lady speaks of the bond of love that will help us to receive Our Lady who will come to us out of love to lead us. Mary wants to come to us to communicate her motherly love and lead us to Jesus. She wants us to have faith, faith like hers. She wants us to know her Son and help others to know Him! She wants us to be her children who follow her and help her in her mission.
St. Louis de Montfort wrote extensively on this loving relationship between us and our Heavenly Mother, Mary. He was given a prophetic understanding of the role that Mary would play in the latter days. I immediately thought of his treatise, “True Devotion to Mary”, when I read this message. Just as Our Lady talks of the bond of love that brings us to her and her to us, St. Louis talks about the powerful bond of love that is formed between Our Lady and her children through what he calls “Consecration to Mary”.
As Our Lady said, “I desire for all of my children to have faith and to feel my motherly love which leads them to Jesus.” Our Mother desires that we feel her motherly love! She can give us that feeling of love through our constant prayer and devotion to her. We must be receptive and ready for her to lead us and love us here on this earth!
Our Lady concluded the December 2, 2019 message with these words:
“…My Son knows you and loves you. Love is that which brings you to me and through that love I will come to you and speak to you of the works of salvation. I desire for all of my children to have faith and to feel my motherly love which leads them to Jesus. Therefore, you, my children, wherever you go, illuminate with love and faith as apostles of love.”
Our Lady speaks of the bond of love that will help us to receive Our Lady who will come to us out of love to lead us. Mary wants to come to us to communicate her motherly love and lead us to Jesus. She wants us to have faith, faith like hers. She wants us to know her Son and help others to know Him! She wants us to be her children who follow her and help her in her mission.
St. Louis de Montfort wrote extensively on this loving relationship between us and our Heavenly Mother, Mary. He was given a prophetic understanding of the role that Mary would play in the latter days. I immediately thought of his treatise, “True Devotion to Mary”, when I read this message. Just as Our Lady talks of the bond of love that brings us to her and her to us, St. Louis talks about the powerful bond of love that is formed between Our Lady and her children through what he calls “Consecration to Mary”.
As Our Lady said, “I desire for all of my children to have faith and to feel my motherly love which leads them to Jesus.” Our Mother desires that we feel her motherly love! She can give us that feeling of love through our constant prayer and devotion to her. We must be receptive and ready for her to lead us and love us here on this earth!
St. Louis wrote about feeling Mary’s motherly love in this way:
217. The soul of Mary will be communicated to you to glorify the Lord. Her spirit will take the place of yours to rejoice in God, her Savior, but only if you are faithful to the practices of this devotion. As St. Ambrose says, “May the soul of Mary be in each one of us to glorify the Lord! May the spirit of Mary be in each one of us to rejoice in God!” “When will that happy day come,” asks a saintly man of our own day whose life was completely wrapped up in Mary, “when God’s Mother is enthroned in men’s hearts as Queen, subjecting them to the dominion of her great and princely Son? When will souls breathe Mary as the body breathes air?” When that time comes wonderful things will happen on earth. The Holy Spirit, finding his dear Spouse present again in souls, will come down into them with great power. He will fill them with his gifts, especially wisdom, by which they will produce wonders of grace. My dear friend, when will that happy time come, that age of Mary, when many souls, chosen by Mary and given her by the most High God, will hide themselves completely in the depths of her soul, becoming living copies of her, loving and glorifying Jesus? That day will dawn only when the devotion I teach is understood and put into practice. Ut adveniat regnum tuum, adveniat regnum Mariae: “Lord, that your kingdom may come, may the reign of Mary come!” (True Devotion to Mary, n 217.)
I believe that St. Louis de Montfort was experiencing this deep communion with Mary and was trying to explain it to all who would listen, way back then. But we are seeing it blossom forth in our day, through Our Lady’s mission and presence in Medjugorje. It is that motherly love that comes into our souls, our hearts, and makes a home for love there, a home for Jesus to rest there. She praises the Father from within our hearts and that praise is a healing balm for our souls. She magnifies the Lord from within us, and we are filled with joy and praise!! This is the fruit of our consecration to Mary. This is the way we become helpful lights for her in our dark world. We become filled with love and fire for God, because she is within, igniting us! May our Advent prayer grow as we ponder this message and the message of Nov. 25. We are being readied for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
© Mary TV 2019