He, the Most High, is sending me among you…
St. Juan DiegoDear Family of Mary!
Our Lady spoke these words to us in the November 25, 2021 Message:
“That is why I am with you, because He, the Most High, is sending me among you to encourage you to the hope; and you will be peacemakers in this peaceless world.”
Our Lady tells us that the Most High has sent her to us. She is with us to encourage us and lead us on the way of peace. She comes with good news for all her children. She comes to give us hope, and train us to be peacemakers in this peaceless world.
On this feast day of St. Juan Diego, I can only think of how Our Lady appeared to him, and gave him a similar mission! She came to earth, appearing on Tepeyac Hill, and later told St. Juan, “Am I not here who am your mother?” She gave St. Juan Diego a job to do for her, to build a temple in her honor where she could bless and care for her children. She wanted to bring hope to St. Juan and his people who were being so terribly abused. She wanted to bring peace to Mexico. And she did!
St. Juan was a very humble and simple man, who had chosen to become a Catholic and stood firm in his faith. Our Lady chose him to show countless people the truth of her presence, through the miracle that was wrought on his tilma! For the rest of his life he lived in a hut outside the Church the Bishop built in honor of Our Lady, and told millions of people all about Our Lady!
We may not have visions of Our Lady, but we have become her children in a special way through her presence in Medjugorje. And it is our job to witness, just as St. Juan Diego witnessed. We must witness her presence and her call to peace and holiness! What we have seen and heard, we must tell others! In this way we will be peacemakers!
This Litany to Saint Juan Diego is a lovely way to call on him to help us be witnesses like he was. We want all the world to know about Our Lady!
Litany to Saint Juan Diego
Lord have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us. Christ have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us.
Christ hear us. Christ hear us.
Christ graciously hear us. Christ graciously hear us.
God, our Heavenly Father, Have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary of Guadalupe, Pray for us.
Virgin of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas, Pray for us.
Virgin of Guadalupe, star of the new evangelization, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, instructed in the doctrine of Christian love, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, eager to learn from the missionaries, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, pilgrim of faith, hope and charity, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who abandoned the shadows of paganism, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who loved poverty, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who practiced humility, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who remained pure of heart, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who saw paradise at Tepeyac, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who witnessed the apparitions, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, faithful messenger of the Virgin of Guadalupe, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who heard the sweet voice of Mary, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who beheld the beauty of Mary, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who felt the tenderness of Mary, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, awestruck by the heavenly joy radiating from the lips of the most Holy Virgin, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who spoke with childlike trust in Mary, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, the most beloved son of Mary, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who obeyed Mary promptly, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who respected the divine authority of the bishop, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who suffered ridicule and rejection, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who knew how to be humble, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who knew how to be patient, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who knew how to persevere, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who knew how to be peaceful, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who renounced privileges, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who took care of your uncle Juan Bernardino with loving kindness, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who climbed the hill of Tepeyac, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who picked the roses on Tepeyac hill, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who offered yourself to the Virgin of Guadalupe, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who witnessed the miracle of the roses clinging to your cloak, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, in whose cloak the Virgin remains always with us, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who venerated the Virgin of Guadalupe with heartfelt devotion, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who built a humble shrine in honor of the Virgin Mary, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who cared for her until your death, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, you who loved your wife, Maria Lucia, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who helped her embrace the truth of the Gospel, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who practiced perfect chastity in your marriage, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, worthy example for your brothers and sisters, Pray for us.
Saint Juan Diego, who devoted yourself with tender love to the holy service of God, Pray for us.
Let us pray: Oh, God, Perfect Father, that in the person of Saint Juan Diego you gave us a living example of simplicity, fidelity and love, through his intercession, grant us the requests we make with piety. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
(c)Mary TV 2021
PS. Denis has a small package and a letter that need to be carried to Medjugorje. If you are going to Medjugorje soon, please contact Denis Nolan at [email protected] ! Thank you!!!