St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Dear Family of Mary!
Yesterday was the feast of the Holy Name of Jesus. How beautiful it was to meditate on the Name of Jesus, and realize what a mind-blowing grace it is that we, lowly children, can call upon Jesus using His most Holy Name, any time and any place! We have access to our Savior by His most intimate Name. We should say the Name of Jesus always from our heart, deeply. His Name is our safety and refuge in times of need! And our joy in times of rejoicing.
Well, when we prayed for a saint for our Daily Rosary, yesterday, we received this saint:
Pray for those who do not yet know the love of Jesus.
I was immediately filled with joy! Why? Because as we were thanking Jesus for His Most Holy Name, He was giving us His Heart! Jesus gave us His Heart!! Isn’t that amazing! Jesus gave us His Sacred Heart!!
Our Savior cannot be outdone!! What a depth of love He has for us!!!
I found this amazing message from Our Lady, given through Mirjana on September 2, 2019. Our Lady shows us how to respond to the gift of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Let’s pray through this message and let Our Lady teach us:
September 2, 2019
Dear children, pray!
Pray the Rosary every day –
that wreath of flowers which, as a mother,
directly connects me with your pains, sufferings, desires, and hopes.
Apostles of my love,
I am with you through the grace and the love of my Son,
and I am asking for prayers of you.
The world is in such need of your prayers
for souls to be converted.
With complete trust, open your hearts to my Son,
and in them He will inscribe the summary of His words –
which is love.
Live in an unbreakable connection with the Most Sacred Heart of my Son.
My children, as a mother,
I am telling you that it is high time
for you to kneel before my Son
to acknowledge Him as your God,
the center of your life.
Offer gifts to Him –
that which He most loves –
which is love towards neighbor,
and pure hearts.
Apostles of my love,
many of my children still do not acknowledge my Son as their God;
they have not yet come to know His love.
But you, with your prayer pronounced from a pure and open heart,
by the gifts which you offer to my Son,
will make even the hardest hearts open.
Apostles of my love,
the strength of prayer pronounced from the heart –
a powerful prayer full of love –
changes the world.
Therefore, my children:
I am with you.
Thank you.”
Jesus has given us His Name as our lifeline with Him, and He has given us His Sacred Heart as our source of life and love. Our Lady wants us to have a continuous pipeline of grace, open and flowing from the Sacred Heart of Jesus to our hearts, so that we can help others to come to know Him. It has never been more necessary. As she said:
Live in an unbreakable connection with the Most Sacred Heart of my Son.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
(c)Mary TV 2022