January 6, 2022
St. Andre Bessette
Dear Family of Mary!
Today is the Feast Day of one of Mary TV’s patrons, St. Andre Bessette. St. Andre has interceded for Mary TV from the very beginning. And his prayers are powerful. Thank you, St. Andre, for your constant and powerful intercession! Please keep it up!!!
We have been talking about fear. The antidote to fear is the Love of God. Perfect love casts out fear. And God’s love is the only perfect love. We can count on the love of Jesus, in every circumstance. His love will find a way for us that leads to life. It is a sure bet!! And Our Lady wants us to live on that surety.
It is awesome to spend time with even one message, letting Our Lady’s words sink deeply into our hearts and memories. She is drawing us into the life of God, through her guidance and holiness. Ponder her words and receive them with love:
January 2, 2012
Dear children;
As with motherly concern I look in your hearts,
in them I see pain and suffering;
I see a wounded past and an incessant search;
I see my children who desire to be happy
but do not know how.
Open yourselves to the Father.
That is the way to happiness,
the way by which I desire to lead you.
God the Father never leaves His children alone,
especially not in pain and despair.
When you comprehend and accept this,
you will be happy.
Your search will end.
You will love and you will not be afraid.
Your life will be hope and truth
which is my Son.
Thank you.
I implore you, pray for those whom my Son has chosen.
Do not judge because you will all be judged.”
So many of us have come to experience the love of the Father in Medjugorje! There is a deep sense of safety, of hope, and of truth in Our Lady’s village. It is because she is there. And she leads us to her Son, who can heal all our wounds, and take away all our fears. Then we can follow Jesus and Mary to the Father, and help others to do the same.
May it be so…
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
(c)Mary TV 2022