“Children, is your heart open towards Jesus?
January 7, 2021
St. Raymond of Penafort
Dear Family of Mary!
“…Children, is your heart open towards Jesus? Have you completely surrendered your life into His hands? Have you accepted Jesus as your father, to whom you can always turn and in Him find consolation and everything you need to live true faith?…” (12/25/20 Jakov)
Our Lady asks us very good questions in her message through Jakov. They are foundational questions. She wants us to look at our relationship to Jesus and be honest with ourselves. How open am I to Jesus? Do I have secrets in my heart that I do not want to share with Him? Am I afraid of Jesus? Do I really believe He is my God? Have I closed my heart to His presence in the Eucharist? Have I completely surrendered my life to Jesus, given it into His hands? Do I hold on to certain habits or desires that Jesus would like me to change? Am I stubborn? Am I lazy? What keeps me from surrendering to Jesus? And do I believe that Jesus is my father, the one I can always count on to care about me and console me, and provide for me as His little one?
Good questions.
Fr. Slavko Barbaric understood that we have to answer these questions. In his meditations for Adoration, at St. James, he prayed so sweetly and deeply for us before Jesus. Here is one of his prayers during Adoration:
“Be praised, my Lord, for eternity, because with Your Words You are calling me to Yourself. You are my Lord and my master. It is only You Who I want to serve and no-one else. In this moment I place at Your feet all my worries and fears, my sadness, and my mistrust. I entrust to You everything that is tormenting me. Life is difficult when we are bound, held captive, and overwhelmed by our concerns. But You, in your love, You offer us the freedom of birds and the beauty of lilies. Because of my worries and plans, I don not have the time for those close to me, not even for my friends. And yet, You promised me that You would take care of me…
“Oh my God, You want me to become like a child, so that from the early morning until late at night I live joyfully with total devotion to You, without wracking my brain as to how I should continue. Naturally, I also wonder if it is possible to live in such a carefree manner. Yes, it’s possible because You tell me that it is, Lord Jesus. I will certainly understand it when I reach the point when You are everything to me and my highest good. My Jesus, How could You not be praised, not be adored! How could I not pray to You day and night! Therefore, My Jesus, make me understand that You are the only love, the ultimate goal of my life!” (“Medjugorje and Fr. Slavko Barbaric” p. 259)
As we begin this new and very challenging year, may we draw ever closer to Jesus. Mother Mary, pray for us! Fr. Slavko, pray for us!
In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2021