Dear Family of Mary!
Day Six of our Novena for the Annunciation of the Lord:
“And Mary said to the angel, “How shall this be, since I have no husband?” Lk 1:34)
Before Our Lady would answer Gabriel, even after his prophecy of the Annunciation which was filled with such incredible and mind-blowing revelations, she still asked another question! Mary was so wise, so firmly grounded in her relationship with God, that she knew she could ask for more information.
And her question was practical and human. “How shall this (conception) be, since I have no husband?” Mary and Joseph had not yet “come together”. They still lived with their families, apart. The wedding had not taken place. How could this be?
I love that God wanted to talk things out with Mary, and that He also wants talk things out with us. Our relationship with Him is real and tangible. He wants to lead us along with our reason involved. He respects us. Mary knew this. She wasn’t afraid, but she needed more information!
Our Lady has taught us to talk to God with the same candor and trust she showed us in this scripture. Here is a message in which she encourages us to talk to God just as she did during the Annunciation:
Saturday, October 20, 1984
“When you pray, you must feel more. Prayer is a conversation with God. To pray means to listen to God. Prayer is useful for you because after prayer everything is clear. Prayer makes one know happiness. Prayer can teach you how to cry. Prayer can teach how to blossom. Prayer is not a joke. Prayer is a dialogue with God.”
Prayer is a conversation with God!!! May we learn to talk to the Lord as our loving Father, our loving Brother, and the precious Holy Spirit. Prayer is a dialogue with God!!
Mother, teach us dialogue with our Lord, to speak to God as our loving Father. He wants to converse with us!
Let us pray:
Annunciation prayer of faith:
Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal Word,
You became Incarnate as man
in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
You, through whom the universe was created,
began your earthly course,
in the womb of a humble and chaste Virgin.
At the annunciation of this miracle,
Mary responded in faith:
“Let it be done to me according to your word.”
May we who are made new creatures by your grace,
respond with such faith, when you call us to your service. Amen
(written by David Bennett)
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!