Dear Family of Mary!
“Return to God and to prayer…” Our Lady has called us to prayer from the very first days of her apparitions. Prayer is the 1st Stone. She has built a prayer program in Medjugorje like no other!
From early morning till late at night prayer continues in and around the Church and on the mountain sides. Rosaries, Chaplets, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Veneration of the Cross, personal prayer at the Risen Christ Statue and the Statues around the Church, prayer as the people climb Apparition Hill, walk to the Blue Cross, climb Cross Mountain. Prayer in Church, prayer in the fields, prayer in the family, prayer in the pilgrim pansions…So much prayer.
She has asked for three hours of prayer a day, minimum.
But as we know, it is easy to wander away from prayer, especially when we return home from our pilgrimages. So she has had to call us back to prayer over and over again. She never tires. She knows that if we do not pray, we will lose our way in this world where Satan fights to drag us away from God.
Our Mother speaks to us:
October 25, 2020
“Dear children,
At this time, I am calling you
to return to God and to prayer.
Invoke the help of all the saints,
for them to be an example
and is fighting
to draw all the more hearts to himself. He wants war and hatred. That is why I am with you for this long,
to lead you to the way of salvation, to Him who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Little children,
return to the love for God
and He will be your strength and refuge. Thank you for having responded to my call.” Mother, help us to respond to this message with wisdom and openness of heart, so that we can be guided by you and guide others to you. Help us to pray, pray, pray, and then God will be our strength and refuge.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!