(c) Mary TV 2020
St. Rita of Cascia
Dear Family of Mary!
We begin the Novena to the Holy Spirit today!! Fr. Leon will pray with us each day on Mary TV in the Channel, and in the “Novena” archive on the home page. Come, Holy Spirit!
Today I have compiled a little Litany of quotes from Our Lady’s messages about the Holy Spirit. I find it very calming to ponder and pray over her words to us. She is our Heavenly Mother! Her words are full of healing and love for her children. (The responses are all in the first person, “me”, because I find it more meditative, but if you say the litany with others, you can change it to “us”!)
A Little Litany to the Holy Spirit from Our Lady, Queen of Peace!
Our Lady: Today I invite you to open yourselves to God by means of prayer so the Holy Spirit may begin to work miracles in you and through you. May 25, 1993
Response: Come Holy Spirit and work miracles in me and through me!
Our Lady: I invite you again to open to prayer so that in prayer the Holy Spirit will help you, that your hearts become of flesh and not of stone. June 25, 1996
Response: Come Holy Spirit and change my heart to flesh!
Our Lady: May your heart be prepared to listen to, and live, everything which the Holy Spirit has in His plan for each of you. Little children, allow the Holy Spirit to lead you on the way of truth and salvation towards eternal life. May 25, 1998
Response: Come Holy Spirit and lead me on the way of truth!
Our Lady: Pray, little children, that the Holy Spirit may come to dwell in you in fullness, so that you may be able to witness in joy to all those who are far from faith. May 25, 2000
Response: Come Holy Spirit and dwell in me in your fullness!
Response: Come Holy Spirit and fill me with your wisdom!
Our Lady: Renew your personal prayer, and in a special way pray to the Holy Spirit to help you pray with the heart. May 25, 2003
Response: Come Holy Spirit and help me pray with the Heart!
Our Lady: By prayer and the reading of Sacred Scripture, may the Holy Spirit, who will renew you, enter into your families. In this way, you will become teachers of the faith in your family. April 25, 2005
Response: Come Holy Spirit and teach me through prayer and Sacred Scripture
Our Lady: In silence may the Holy Spirit speak to you and permit Him to convert and change you. July 25, 2006
Response: Come Holy Spirit and speak to me in the silence…!
Our Lady: Dear children! Pray with me to the Holy Spirit for Him to lead you in the search of God’s will on the way of your holiness. May 25, 2007
Response: Come Holy Spirit and lead me in the search for God’s will!
Our Lady: Dear children! In this time, I call you all to pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit upon every baptized creature, so that the Holy Spirit may renew you all and lead you on the way of witnessing your faith. May 25, 2009
Response: Come Holy Spirit and renew me and lead me in witnessing my faith!
Our Lady: “Dear children! May this time be for you a time of prayer and silence. Rest your body and spirit, may they be in God’s love… Permit me, little children, to lead you, open your hearts to the Holy Spirit so that all the good that is in you may blossom and bear fruit one hundred fold. Begin and end the day with prayer with the heart. Thank you for having responded to my call.” July 25, 2011
Response: Come Holy Spirit into my heart so that the good in me may blossom and bear fruit one hundred fold!
R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
© Mary TV 2020
PS. I will try to compose a couple more litanies during this time as we pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit!!