Today I am looking at you…
May 27, 2021
Dear Family of Mary!
Here is the May 25, 2021 Message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace:
“Dear children! Today I am looking at you and calling: return to God because He is love and out of love has sent me to you to lead you on the way of conversion. Leave sin and evil, decide for holiness and joy will begin to reign; and you will be my extended hands in this lost world. I desire that you be prayer and hope to those who have not come to know the God of love. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (May 25, 2021)
I am very thankful for this message. Our Lady is with us, and she is aware of each one of us. She longs to accompany each one of us in our walk towards eternal life.
In this message she tells us: “Today I am looking at you…” This is not a vague greeting about some abstract relationship that Our Lady has with us. She is not far away, peering down on humanity with heavenly binoculars, and making judgements about us. I believe she means what she says. She is looking at us, each one of us, from up close. She is gazing at us as we are right now, today. And her gaze is a gaze of love.
Our Lady looks at us with the eyes of a mother. She looks at each one of us individually. We are each her beloved child. I am her child. You are her child. She loves us, each one, with that powerful, patient, concerned, efficacious and wise love that only a mother has! She doesn’t miss a thing! That’s motherhood!
Our Lady has been looking at us, I believe, since we were conceived. Jesus gave her the job of being our Mother from the Cross. And you know that she would never shirk that job. She has watched us and loved us and prayed for us and interceded for us throughout our entire lives. But at this time, the Father has allowed her to actually reveal herself to us in her apparitions in Medjugorje, so that we will experience her presence in a more profound way, and allow her to “mother” us. The Father has revealed Mother Mary to us in Medjugorje because we desperately need to let her mother us!!
And that is what she is doing! Mothering us!
So when she tells us she is looking at us, and calling…we really need to listen. The Mother has something to say that will change our lives.
Thank you, dearest Mother, for looking at us…for looking with your loving and wise eyes…for caring for each one of us so much that you would tirelessly come back to earth for now almost 40 years, so that we would know you are looking at each of us. And in that look, bringing us conversion, salvation, Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit! In your look, we discover God! Thank you dearest Mother!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV 2021