(c)Mary TV
October 17, 2019
St. Ignatius of Antioch
Dear Family of Mary!
“Everything that is best for you, everything that leads you to eternal life, will be given to you. You will comprehend that the purpose of life is not always to want and take, but to love and give. You will have true peace and true love. You will be apostles of love…” (October 2, 2019)
St. Ignatius of Antioch
Dear Family of Mary!
“Everything that is best for you, everything that leads you to eternal life, will be given to you. You will comprehend that the purpose of life is not always to want and take, but to love and give. You will have true peace and true love. You will be apostles of love…” (October 2, 2019)
I find this section of Our Lady’s message to be so beautiful, so comforting, so strong and true! God will supply everything we need if we turn to Him and stop trying to provide everything for ourselves. When we take our lives in our own hands, we begin to want and to take. Wanting and taking is deadly. Even when what we want is a good thing, like virtue, we can set about to want it and take it for ourselves. And we end up like pharisees.
Our only hope is to love and to give. That is the way to peace and joy. Let God give to us, let Our Lady give to us, all we need. We will turn and give all they give to us to others, and that is what life is supposed to be all about!
I believe that the Lord is the giver of all good things. He will be abundantly generous to us if we turn to Him and open our hearts to receive. He will prepare the way for us to find eternal life.
I looked in Our Lady’s messages for the times she spoke about what God wants to give us, or about what she wants to give us. Here are a few of those gifts:
May 22, 1986 “Dear children! Today I wish to give you my own love.”
December 25, 1987 “Dear children! Rejoice with me! My heart is rejoicing because of Jesus and today I want to give Him to you. Dear children, I want each one of you to open your heart to Jesus and I will give Him to you with love.”
December 25, 2002 “Be conscious of this gift that God has permitted me to be with you, especially today when in my arms I have little Jesus – the King of Peace. I desire to give you peace, and that you carry it in your hearts and give it to others until God’s peace begins to rule the world.”
November 25, 2005 “Little children, at this time, in a special way, I pray before God to give you the gift of faith. Only in faith will you discover the joy of the gift of life that God has given you. Your heart will be joyful thinking of eternity.
Our only hope is to love and to give. That is the way to peace and joy. Let God give to us, let Our Lady give to us, all we need. We will turn and give all they give to us to others, and that is what life is supposed to be all about!
I believe that the Lord is the giver of all good things. He will be abundantly generous to us if we turn to Him and open our hearts to receive. He will prepare the way for us to find eternal life.
I looked in Our Lady’s messages for the times she spoke about what God wants to give us, or about what she wants to give us. Here are a few of those gifts:
May 22, 1986 “Dear children! Today I wish to give you my own love.”
December 25, 1987 “Dear children! Rejoice with me! My heart is rejoicing because of Jesus and today I want to give Him to you. Dear children, I want each one of you to open your heart to Jesus and I will give Him to you with love.”
December 25, 2002 “Be conscious of this gift that God has permitted me to be with you, especially today when in my arms I have little Jesus – the King of Peace. I desire to give you peace, and that you carry it in your hearts and give it to others until God’s peace begins to rule the world.”
November 25, 2005 “Little children, at this time, in a special way, I pray before God to give you the gift of faith. Only in faith will you discover the joy of the gift of life that God has given you. Your heart will be joyful thinking of eternity.
December 25, 2010 Dear children! Today, I and my Son desire to give you an abundance of joy and peace so that each of you may be a joyful carrier and witness of peace and joy in the places where you live.”
October 25, 2011 “Today I desire to give you the joy of the Risen One, that He may lead you and embrace you with His love and tenderness.”
March 25, 2012 “Dear children! Also, today, with joy, I desire to give you my motherly blessing.”
April 25, 2019 “You, little children, be the joy of the risen Jesus who died and resurrected for each of you. He conquered death to give you life, eternal life.
March 25, 2012 “Dear children! Also, today, with joy, I desire to give you my motherly blessing.”
April 25, 2019 “You, little children, be the joy of the risen Jesus who died and resurrected for each of you. He conquered death to give you life, eternal life.
August 02, 2012 I am imploring my Son to give you pure hearts.”
October 02, 2016 “Dear children, the Holy Spirit, according to the Heavenly Father, made me the mother – the mother of Jesus – and by this alone, also your mother. That is why I am coming to hear you, that I may open my motherly arms to you; to give you my heart and to call you to remain with me, because from the top of the cross my Son entrusted you to me.”
Our Lady’s heart is a total gift to us! She is with us to bless, heal, strengthen, teach and lead us to God. The more we are with her, the more we will begin to understand that it is in loving and giving that we find true happiness and peace. We find the way to God!
Thank you, dearest Mother, for being with us all these years, in order to give to us your heart and the Heart of your Son, Jesus, as our refuge and hope.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2019
October 02, 2016 “Dear children, the Holy Spirit, according to the Heavenly Father, made me the mother – the mother of Jesus – and by this alone, also your mother. That is why I am coming to hear you, that I may open my motherly arms to you; to give you my heart and to call you to remain with me, because from the top of the cross my Son entrusted you to me.”
Our Lady’s heart is a total gift to us! She is with us to bless, heal, strengthen, teach and lead us to God. The more we are with her, the more we will begin to understand that it is in loving and giving that we find true happiness and peace. We find the way to God!
Thank you, dearest Mother, for being with us all these years, in order to give to us your heart and the Heart of your Son, Jesus, as our refuge and hope.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2019