Marijana Vasilj Juricic
Inner Locutionist in Medjugorje
Thank you to Marijana for sharing so deeply with us her experience of Our Lady in Medjugorje!! We will be praying for her and her family in gratitude.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
October 24, 2019
St. Anthony Mary Claret
Dear Family of Mary!
October 25, 1989 “Dear children! Today also I am inviting you to prayer. I am always inviting you, but you are still far away. Therefore, from today, decide seriously to dedicate time to God. I am with you and I wish to teach you to pray with the heart. In prayer with the heart you shall encounter God. Therefore, little children, pray, pray, pray! Thank you for having responded to my call.”
St. Anthony Mary Claret
Dear Family of Mary!
October 25, 1989 “Dear children! Today also I am inviting you to prayer. I am always inviting you, but you are still far away. Therefore, from today, decide seriously to dedicate time to God. I am with you and I wish to teach you to pray with the heart. In prayer with the heart you shall encounter God. Therefore, little children, pray, pray, pray! Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Today we conclude the witness of Marijana Vasilj Juricic. She tells us today about the main messages in Medjugorje and how she understands them. You can see that she has been living them all these years. She has a very peaceful countenance.
More from Medjugorje
Marijana Vasilj Juricic
October 17, 2019
Part 3
Our Lady also here in Medjugorje on many occasions spoke about the Time of Grace. All these years of her presence are the time of grace for each one of us personally. Our Lady says, before God there are no privileged ones. Each one of us is equally important before God. The most important thing is how much each one of us has responded to Our Lady’s invitation and God’s invitation.
Part 3
Our Lady also here in Medjugorje on many occasions spoke about the Time of Grace. All these years of her presence are the time of grace for each one of us personally. Our Lady says, before God there are no privileged ones. Each one of us is equally important before God. The most important thing is how much each one of us has responded to Our Lady’s invitation and God’s invitation.
Our Lady in the beginning of the apparitions said to the visionaries in Medjugorje, what I started in Medjugorje is a great plan of God that refers to the entire world. And Our Lady is inviting us to change and to convert in this Time of Grace, because, she says that later, it will be much harder to convert and to change.
And one of the first invitations here in Medjugorje, and one of the most important invitations to the world was the invitation to Conversion. Our Lady said you cannot convert in one day, or in a few days’ time. Conversion is a life-long process. Every day we have a new opportunity to do something more and to do something better. And as the late Father Slavko Barbaric, priest, used to say here, we can never be so good not to be able to become better and better each day.
Here in Medjugorje, we are all part of Our Lady’s school, her School of Prayer, her School of Love. We all know that in school we should be trying hard to become better and to learn something more and more each day. And this is the same with Our Lady’s School here, it’s the School of the Heart. Our Lady wants that everything we do; we do with the heart.
But she says, these great changes in your life, dear children, will only take place with your complete surrender to God, and with your personal prayer.
So, just to sum it up, everything that Our Lady has been asking of us in all these years, everything she has been giving to us in the messages that she gave us:
Invitation to Prayer!
Personal Prayer!
Family – the most important – Prayer!
If possible, to also be Members of Prayer Groups!
To go for Daily Holy Mass!
To Confess!
To Receive Holy Communion!
That we with our lives may witness to people our faith!
These are the most important things which Our Lady has been repeating in all these years to us.
Invitation to Prayer!
Personal Prayer!
Family – the most important – Prayer!
If possible, to also be Members of Prayer Groups!
To go for Daily Holy Mass!
To Confess!
To Receive Holy Communion!
That we with our lives may witness to people our faith!
These are the most important things which Our Lady has been repeating in all these years to us.
And in the beginning of the apparitions Our Lady was asking of us here in the parish, that every family have a Holy Bible in a visible place. That every day we may read a short part from the Holy Bible and meditate on that little excerpt from the Bible.
And many people in the beginning of the apparitions through visionaries wanted to ask Our Lady certain questions. And it was not possible for all these questions to be raised, or for Our Lady to answer. Then Our Lady said once, why do you need to ask so many questions when you have the answers in the Holy Bible? That is how Our Lady told us that Holy Bible is so important in the life of each one of us.
What she told us is that her messages are not new messages. Her messages are messages of the Holy Bible and the Gospel. And when we live what she has been inviting us to, we will be living the Holy Bible. And that is the most important in our lives.
And at the end, I would just like to say that here in Medjugorje every day we pray for all of you pilgrims, for all those of your intentions, and especially for all those who are sick. But we would like to ask you that you pray for us too. That you may remember us in your prayers. We are all in need of prayers nowadays. And so, we entrust to your prayers, our parish, all the priests who are working actively here, and all the visionaries too.
We did receive a great gift from Our Lady, that she came here, that she chose this parish, but also a great responsibility at the same time. And so, let us pray for each other, because Our Lady told us that in prayer we would all be closer to Jesus. Our Lady’s desire is for each one of us to be closer to Jesus. So, this is just the summing up of the most important experience from Our Lady that I had.
Marijana, the question was, do you ever feel sad now that you are not able to hear Our Lady personally?
Answer: So, Our Lady when she first started to talk to us, she told us immediately that the gift we received is not going to be for entire life, it’s just going to be for a certain period of time, and we knew that it was going to stop. And Our Lady explained to us that she wasn’t with us only in the moments when she talked to us, when we heard her, but that she’s with us in every moment of our life, especially when we pray. But of course, when her messages stopped, when she no longer spoke to us, we felt great emptiness.
Answer: So, Our Lady when she first started to talk to us, she told us immediately that the gift we received is not going to be for entire life, it’s just going to be for a certain period of time, and we knew that it was going to stop. And Our Lady explained to us that she wasn’t with us only in the moments when she talked to us, when we heard her, but that she’s with us in every moment of our life, especially when we pray. But of course, when her messages stopped, when she no longer spoke to us, we felt great emptiness.
What is Our Lady asking of us today?
Answer: So, Our Lady, many times, and especially recently has been through the visionaries here in Medjugorje inviting everyone to pray for her intentions. She did not specifically say which are these intentions. But she asks of us to pray for her intentions. And, we for a long time have been praying for Our Lady’s intentions. So, that is just, I think, how it’s supposed to be.
Answer: So, Our Lady, many times, and especially recently has been through the visionaries here in Medjugorje inviting everyone to pray for her intentions. She did not specifically say which are these intentions. But she asks of us to pray for her intentions. And, we for a long time have been praying for Our Lady’s intentions. So, that is just, I think, how it’s supposed to be.
Marijana’s closing thoughts:
I would like to say that all the messages that Our Lady gave to us and to our prayer group, we wrote down those messages. And most of these messages you can find in late Father Slavko’s books. And especially in the book Pray Together with a Joyful Heart. And this is the book that refers to prayer groups and how prayer groups should be praying. And Father Slavko took those messages and put them, combined them in that book. And in that book, you can find many prayers that Our Lady dictated to Jelena in the beginning of the apparitions. And Our Lady in a special way emphasized two consecration prayers: Consecration to Her Immaculate Heart, and Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. And she asked each one of us to say daily those prayers in our families.
And if you would like to learn how to pray better as a family or as a prayer group, I think this book can help you a lot. Because Father Slavko left many precious advices and guidelines in that book: Pray Together with a Joyful Heart.
Thank you to Marijana for sharing so deeply with us her experience of Our Lady in Medjugorje!! We will be praying for her and her family in gratitude.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2019