January 21, 2019
St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr
Dear Family of Mary!
I was ill this weekend, and so was Denis. We were not able to do our Daily Rosary or Divine Mercy on Saturday or Sunday. It was so strange! We have been praying online for 10 years now, every day!! I truly love it! We shipmates are family now!!
I wanted to share a beautiful email I received about a week ago. It is from Cecilia in Upstate New York! She shares an experience she had through Medjugorje coming to her on Mary TV!
Dear Cathy,
I would like to share an experience that happened to me last night. Thank you for your daily reflections, I always look forward to them every day! You transcribed Father Marinko’ s homily (January 14, 2019 Reflection), what a beautiful homily he gave on Sunday (January 13, 2019 – Evening International Mass). I had to read it again last night around 10 pm before I went to bed.
I decided to watch it on Mary TV, so I went to the archives. Then, I opened your reflection with Mother Teresa’s prayers (January 15, 2019 reflection). As I was praying, I felt a tremendous love, physical love flood into my heart!!! What a joy it was!!! My heart was pounding, craving that love! Father Marinko’s words and your reflection and Mother Teresa’s prayers opened my heart!! Now, I know what Our Lady is talking about when she says, “Little Children, open your heart!” Sometimes we don’t know how to do it.
Thank you, Cecilia, for sharing your experience of grace with us all. The Holy Spirit was moving!! It always amazes me how strong the graces are from Medjugorje. The Fruit of Medjugorje Shows constantly amaze me! So many interior graces happen in Medjugorje, not to mention the healings and conversion! We are so blessed to have Our Lady with us.
This message from August of 2018 encourages us to pray for open hearts:
August 02, 2018 “Dear children, with a motherly love I am calling you to open hearts to peace; to open hearts to my Son, so that in your hearts love for my Son may sing, because only out of that love peace comes in the soul. My children, I know that you have goodness, I know that you have love – a merciful love, but many of my children still have a closed heart. They think that they can do it without directing their thoughts towards the Heavenly Father who illuminates-towards my Son who is always with you anew in the Eucharist and who desires to listen to you. My children, why do you not speak to Him? The life of each of you is important and precious, because it is a gift from the Heavenly Father for eternity. Therefore, do not ever forget to keep on thanking Him: speak to Him. I know, my children, that what is to come afterwards is unknown to you, but when your hereafter comes you will receive all the answers. My motherly love desires that you be ready. My children, by your life keep putting good feelings in the hearts of the people whom you meet, feelings of peace, goodness, love and forgiveness. Through prayer, hearken to what My Son is saying and act accordingly. Anew, I am calling you to prayer for your shepherds, for those whom my Son has called. Remember that they need prayers and love. Thank you.”
I think your heart, Cecilia, was singing!!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2019