January 24, 2019
St. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Dear Family of Mary!
Tomorrow we will receive a message from Our Lady! We anticipate each message she gives us with great joy and gratitude. Her messages are gifts of light for us who live in this very dark world. Our Lady opens our minds and hearts to the things of God even as we trustingly wait for His coming in glory.
Today, as we pray and wait for the message, here are 5 messages in which Our Lady gives us clues as to why her messages are important. May these messages help us to receive our new message with ready hearts!
May 25, 2006 “Dear children! Also, today I call you to put into practice and to live my messages that I am giving you. Decide for holiness, little children, and think of heaven. Only in this way, will you have peace in your heart that no one will be able to destroy. Peace is a gift which God gives you in prayer. Little children, seek and work with all your strength for peace to win in your hearts and in the world. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
August 25, 2012 “Dear children! Also today, with hope in the heart, I am praying for you and am thanking the Most High for every one of you who lives my messages with the heart. Give thanks to God’s love that I can love and lead each of you through my Immaculate Heart also toward conversion. Open your hearts and decide for holiness, and hope will give birth to joy in your hearts. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
June 25, 2018 “Dear children! This is the day that the Lord gave me to give Him thanks for each of you, for those who have converted and have accepted my messages and have set out on the way of conversion and holiness. Rejoice, little children, because God is merciful and loves you all with His immeasurable love and leads you to the way of salvation through my coming here. I love you all and give you my Son that He may give you peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
March 18, 2003 “Dear children! Particularly at this holy time of penance and prayer, I call you to make a choice. God gave you free will to choose life or death. Listen to my messages with the heart that you may become cognizant of what you are to do and how you will find the way to life. My children, without God you can do nothing; do not forget this even for a single moment. For, what are you and what will you be on earth, when you will return to it again. Do not anger God, but follow me to life. Thank you for being here.”
August 25, 1993 “Dear children! I want you to understand that I am your Mother, that I want to help you and call you to prayer. Only by prayer can you understand and accept my messages and practice them in your life. Read Sacred Scripture, live it, and pray to understand the signs of the times. This is a special time, therefore, I am with you to draw you close to my heart and the heart of my Son, Jesus. Dear little children, I want you to be children of the light and not of the darkness. Therefore, live what I am telling you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2019
PS. I have very good news! We have completed our Matching Fund Drive! We have received the $40,000 necessary to receive the matching grant!! Thank you!!! Our Medjugorje Studio is well underway to completion! Our next step will be to equip it with the latest in technology!! Thank you and thanks be to God!!!