February 7, 2019
Dear Family of Mary!
“…My Son gives Himself to you and breaks the bread with you. He speaks the words of eternal life to you so that you may carry them to everyone. And you, my children, apostles of my love, what are you afraid of when my Son is with you? Offer your souls to Him so that He can be in them and that He can make you instruments of faith, instruments of love…” (February 2, 2019)
We never know how Jesus will use us as instruments of love. It is enough for us to know that Jesus has loved us, saved us, forgiven us and blessed us with His Body and Blood. What more could we want?
But sometimes the Lord lets us see how we have been little helpers in His great plan to reach His children. Of course, Our Lady is included in this plan too! Let me share a beautiful example of being instruments of Jesus and Mary that was shared with me yesterday.
One of our shipmates had written us, asking how she could order one of Michael Nolan’s CDs. (Mike has written much of the music used on Mary TV!!) I gave her the link to Mike’s website and that was that!
Well a few weeks later our shipmate wrote me:
When I received the Mary TV CD from Mike that I ordered, he included with it a note and a blessed Miraculous Medal from Medjugorje.
It happens that I have a seriously ill nephew that I would love to get to Medjugorje, but he is too ill for that. Then came the opportunity to go see him and on New Year’s Eve I brought Medjugorje to him. The private moment we shared with much tears and love was incredibly blessed and I know Our Mother is with him.
As I pray for him, I do ask for a cure, but I truly believe he will get his miracle – whatever that miracle is.
Anyway – I am so very grateful to Mike for sending that medal along. I doubt that he was aware of just how meaningful that was but please let him know for me. Thank you all for the work that you do. God Bless and Happy New Year!
I didn’t hear from our shipmate until yesterday (February 6) and here is what she wrote:
Cathy – My nephew has died since I sent the above email to you, but he got his miracle.
I knew the time we had together (New Year’s Eve) was very special but what I learned after his funeral was that while we were talking he could see a glow behind me. Mary was there in that hospital room and he knew it! He did not tell me at the time and I guess maybe he couldn’t. But he told his brother about it and asked him to make sure I knew what had happened.
You and Denis and Mike played a part in that miracle and I thank you all.
What a beautiful testimony of love and faith! Our Lady came to that young man!
There were several little instruments involved in the beautiful miracle that young man received! His aunt was the main instrument, loving him and praying for him and bringing the medal to him in the hospital. But Mike was also an instrument, sending the blessed Miraculous Medal with his CD. And Denis and I were the tiniest instruments, merely responding to her email with Mike’s contact info. But God knew just what needed to be done, and Our Lady was ready to do her part!!
I share this because I am sure that Jesus can spread faith and love through us in ways we cannot imagine. All He needs is that we offer our souls to Him, without fear!!! He will do the rest!!
Thank you to our shipmate for sharing this very beautiful story of faith and love with us and may we all take heart and with love and faith do the little we can for Jesus and Mary!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2019
PS. Mike’s CD’s are available on this website: https://www.pilgrim-medj.com/