What can I do that my heart may be closer to Jesus?
Dear Family of Mary!
Denis and I were talking about how to prepare for Lent. How can we live the days of Lent so that we will be ready for Easter? Denis very excitedly exclaimed, “I have it! I know what we should do!!” Then he recited by heart this message below that we received through Ivan. It was given on Apparition Hill on December 28, 2012 during a meeting of his prayer group. And I agree with Denis, this message says it all!! If we live this message during Lent, we will not regret it!
Our Lady said to us:
“Dear children, also today I desire to call you to joy. Anew I call you to joy! I call you at the same time to responsibility. Dear children, accept my messages responsibly and live my messages, because in the living of my messages I desire to lead you to my Son. All of these years that I have been together with you my finger has been directed toward the Son, towards Jesus. I have a desire to lead all of you to Him.
“Therefore, these days that are upcoming, may your question also be – and I pose this question to you – ‘What can I do that my heart may be closer to Jesus?’ May this question lead you. Say to yourselves, ‘What must I leave behind? What must I reject that my heart may be closer to Jesus?’
“Pray dear children, and I will pray for all of you that your answer in your hearts may be ‘Yes, I desire to be closer to Jesus!’ Thank you, dear children, for also today having responded to my call.” (December 28, 2012 message to Ivan on Podbrdo)
Thank you, Ivan, for allowing Ana Shawl to spread this message, given to you on the mountain on December 28, 2012…. It encapsulates the purpose for the Sacraments, the purpose of all the Scriptures and all of Our Lady’s messages!!!!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2019
PS. Mike Nolan is offering a pilgrimage to Medjugorje this Easter Week! April 22 – May 3! Call Mike at 574-335-9952 or visit his web page: https://www.pilgrim-medj.com/ You don’t want to miss it!! Medjugorje is the place to begin a new life!!