Prayer in the most exalted form…
(C) Mary TV
May 9, 2019
Dear Family of Mary!
“…Therefore, my children, apostles of my love, may prayer show you the way and the means of spreading the love of my Son-prayer in the most exalted form…” (May 2, 2019)
Our Lady never lets us stand still. She wants us to give what we are given. And so, she tells us that our prayer must become the means of spreading the love of her Son. We might wonder how that happens? Yes, intercessory prayer can help bring Christ to others. We have no idea what our Rosaries and Novenas are doing to help spread the love of Jesus.
But Our Lady says “Prayer in the most exalted form…” What is the most exalted form of prayer? The Mass, of course. The Mass is the highest prayer we have. The Eucharistic prayer is the prayer of mystery that Jesus prayed at the Last Supper. It re-presents to us the Passion and Death of Jesus, which is truly present to us at the moment of the Consecration. It is the most exalted prayer, through it we enter into the salvation of the whole world accomplished by Jesus on the Cross. Nothing is higher!!
And so, Our Lady is calling us to spread the love of her Son through the Mass!
And we see her designs being met in the prayer program of the Parish of St. James in Medjugorje. Mass is celebrated every day, all morning long, in several languages. Then there is the Evening International Mass, celebrated for all the people, every night, rain or shine, 365 days a year. That Holy Mass is the center of the pilgrims’ experience in Medjugorje. The pilgrims gather at the Church at 5:00 pm for an hour of prayer of the Rosary! Then at 6:00 pm the Holy Mass begins. Thousands are often present for this exalted prayer, participating with all their hearts. The at 7:00 pm there are various other prayers, like the Rosary, or Veneration of the Cross. But on Tuesday and Friday, there is Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament! A full hour of silence with Jesus, interspersed with beautiful worship songs. Surely this prayer spreads the love of Jesus very much!
So we can see that Medjugorje is living what Our Lady is speaking about: Spreading the love of her Son by prayer of the most exalted form!!!
Miracles happen because of this Eucharistic focus in Medjugorje. Jesus is adored, and hearts are changed!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2019
Dear Family of Mary!
“…Therefore, my children, apostles of my love, may prayer show you the way and the means of spreading the love of my Son-prayer in the most exalted form…” (May 2, 2019)
Our Lady never lets us stand still. She wants us to give what we are given. And so, she tells us that our prayer must become the means of spreading the love of her Son. We might wonder how that happens? Yes, intercessory prayer can help bring Christ to others. We have no idea what our Rosaries and Novenas are doing to help spread the love of Jesus.
But Our Lady says “Prayer in the most exalted form…” What is the most exalted form of prayer? The Mass, of course. The Mass is the highest prayer we have. The Eucharistic prayer is the prayer of mystery that Jesus prayed at the Last Supper. It re-presents to us the Passion and Death of Jesus, which is truly present to us at the moment of the Consecration. It is the most exalted prayer, through it we enter into the salvation of the whole world accomplished by Jesus on the Cross. Nothing is higher!!
And so, Our Lady is calling us to spread the love of her Son through the Mass!
And we see her designs being met in the prayer program of the Parish of St. James in Medjugorje. Mass is celebrated every day, all morning long, in several languages. Then there is the Evening International Mass, celebrated for all the people, every night, rain or shine, 365 days a year. That Holy Mass is the center of the pilgrims’ experience in Medjugorje. The pilgrims gather at the Church at 5:00 pm for an hour of prayer of the Rosary! Then at 6:00 pm the Holy Mass begins. Thousands are often present for this exalted prayer, participating with all their hearts. The at 7:00 pm there are various other prayers, like the Rosary, or Veneration of the Cross. But on Tuesday and Friday, there is Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament! A full hour of silence with Jesus, interspersed with beautiful worship songs. Surely this prayer spreads the love of Jesus very much!
So we can see that Medjugorje is living what Our Lady is speaking about: Spreading the love of her Son by prayer of the most exalted form!!!
Miracles happen because of this Eucharistic focus in Medjugorje. Jesus is adored, and hearts are changed!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2019