(C)Anthony Zubac/ Mary TV
May 15, 2019
Dear Family of Mary!
Our Lady speaks in beautiful images in this message. She compares her love to a mantle. She says she wants to envelop us in her mantle of love, like a mother envelops her little child in a blanket and scoops that child up into her arms! She wants to scoop us up and hold us fast in her blanket of love. Don’t we need to be held tightly by our Mother? Don’t we need to be enveloped by love! Pilgrims often experience just that sort of enveloping warmth when they go to Medjugorje. It is a peace that is not of this world!
The result of being enveloped in this mantle is that we become apostles of light, of God’s light! We may wonder how this can happen. How does light come from a hug from Our Mother? It is possible that the mantle of love Our Lady wraps us in is made of light! It may be made of the Light of God which brings to us deep knowledge of God’s Heart of Love. The Light of God reveals the Truth. We see things as they are from God’s point of view. And that point of view is love. God loves us. Jesus showed us that love on the Cross. When we finally understand that Love in its fullness, we see everything clearly! We see Truth! And that Truth is Light!
What peace there is in seeing the Truth, the Light, and the Love of God. Everything makes sense when we have the Light that shows us God’s Love. Who wouldn’t become an apostle of light, having seen God’s Heart?
Jesus, in our Gospel today speaks about this Light, the Light He came to give to us:
We live in a world that increases in darkness daily. We see it and it is a great source of sadness for us. Wouldn’t we like to scoop up our brothers and sisters who have lost their way and wander in darkness. Wouldn’t we like to envelop them in God’s love! Our Lady wants very much that we help her to do that. And so, she tells us the key to being Apostles of Light. Humility. “With the love that comes forth from humility you will bring light to where darkness/blindness rule.” It is humility that carries Jesus’ love to others. We need to be small, forgiving, gentle and humble people in order to bring Jesus and Mary to others. This is the only way. It is the best way!!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
Dear Family of Mary!
“…I desire for all of you to be with me in eternity, because you are a part of me. I will help you on your way. My love will envelop you like a mantle and make of you apostles of my light – of God’s light. With the love that comes forth from humility you will bring light to where darkness/blindness rule. You will be bringing my Son who is the light of the world…” (July 2, 2014)
Our Lady speaks in beautiful images in this message. She compares her love to a mantle. She says she wants to envelop us in her mantle of love, like a mother envelops her little child in a blanket and scoops that child up into her arms! She wants to scoop us up and hold us fast in her blanket of love. Don’t we need to be held tightly by our Mother? Don’t we need to be enveloped by love! Pilgrims often experience just that sort of enveloping warmth when they go to Medjugorje. It is a peace that is not of this world!
The result of being enveloped in this mantle is that we become apostles of light, of God’s light! We may wonder how this can happen. How does light come from a hug from Our Mother? It is possible that the mantle of love Our Lady wraps us in is made of light! It may be made of the Light of God which brings to us deep knowledge of God’s Heart of Love. The Light of God reveals the Truth. We see things as they are from God’s point of view. And that point of view is love. God loves us. Jesus showed us that love on the Cross. When we finally understand that Love in its fullness, we see everything clearly! We see Truth! And that Truth is Light!
What peace there is in seeing the Truth, the Light, and the Love of God. Everything makes sense when we have the Light that shows us God’s Love. Who wouldn’t become an apostle of light, having seen God’s Heart?
Jesus, in our Gospel today speaks about this Light, the Light He came to give to us:
Jesus cried out and said,
“Whoever believes in me believes not only in me
but also in the one who sent me,
and whoever sees me sees the one who sent me.
I came into the world as light,
so that everyone who believes in me might not remain in darkness. (John 12:44-46)
Jesus came into the world “as Light”!!! He came to reveal the Truth, and to present to us the Heart of Love of His Father. He came to dispel darkness. He came to bring light to where darkness/blindness rule. And Our Lady is with us now to do the same.We live in a world that increases in darkness daily. We see it and it is a great source of sadness for us. Wouldn’t we like to scoop up our brothers and sisters who have lost their way and wander in darkness. Wouldn’t we like to envelop them in God’s love! Our Lady wants very much that we help her to do that. And so, she tells us the key to being Apostles of Light. Humility. “With the love that comes forth from humility you will bring light to where darkness/blindness rule.” It is humility that carries Jesus’ love to others. We need to be small, forgiving, gentle and humble people in order to bring Jesus and Mary to others. This is the only way. It is the best way!!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2019