Building solidly on rock!
(c) Anthony Zubac 2018
June 28, 2018
St. Irenaeus
Dear Family of Mary!
“Dear children! This is the day that the Lord gave me to give Him thanks for each of you, for those who have converted and have accepted my messages and have set out on the way of conversion and holiness. Rejoice, little children, because God is merciful and loves you all with His immeasurable love and leads you to the way of salvation through my coming here. I love you all and give you my Son that He may give you peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (June 25, 2018)
Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel how important it is to listen to His words:
“Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them
will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.
The rain fell, the floods came,
and the winds blew and buffeted the house.
But it did not collapse; it had been set solidly on rock.” (Mt 7: 24-25)
Our Lady has been with us these 37 years to help us to learn how to listen to Jesus’ words, and act on them. She has called us through her messages to convert, to turn towards God with our whole being. The first step to building our house on rock, is to convert, to make God the center of our lives, to build our lives on our faith in Jesus.
She has told us to read the Scriptures. In the Scriptures we find everything we need to live holy lives. In the Scriptures we find Jesus’ words.
She has encouraged us to pray with the heart, because when we pray with the heart we are actually learning to listen. We listen when we have learned silence, when we have learned to wait upon God and to expect Him to speak to us. As Jesus said, “Everyone who listens to these words of mine…” She has taught us to listen to Jesus’s words through prayer with the heart.
She has also called us to action. She tells us we must live her messages, live the Gospel, not just speak about it. This “living” is actually putting the things we have heard from Jesus into action. Loving our neighbor, forgiving everyone, serving those in need, making ourselves smaller than others…these are just a few of the ways Our Lady has taught us to live her Son’s words. In the living, we build our house on rock.
And haven’t we found over the years that as we continue to convert, pray with the heart, listen to Jesus’ words in the Gospel, and live those words, that we can weather just about any storm? Yes, I think we have learned that. Our Lady has helped us to build our houses on THE ROCK!! And we are safe and secure in Jesus, living in Him, on His word, with His mother!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2018