(c)Mary TV 2015
June 29, 2018
Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles
Dear Family of Mary!
Today we celebrate and thank God for our two great Apostles, St. Peter and St. Paul. They are the shepherds of the shepherds!! Their teaching and guidance formed the basis of the Church for the next 2000 years. We can enlist their help in doing something that Our Lady has asked of us many times. They can help us to pray for our priests and bishops, our shepherds.
I decided to list some of Our Lady’s words to us about praying for our shepherds! These appeals mostly come from the messages through Mirjana. We could pray these short exhortations like a litany. After each one, we could pray, “Father, hear our prayer for our shepherds.”
Prayer: Father in heaven, we love you and thank you for giving us our priests and bishops. They are our connection with you. We want to pray for their wellbeing and their spiritual health, as Our Lady has asked us. And so we remember her words to us, to “Pray for your shepherds!”
“Once again I call you to pray for your shepherds. Alongside them, I will triumph. Thank you.” (10/2/10) Father, hear our prayer for our shepherds…
“Pray for your shepherds so that through your fasting and prayer they can lead you in love. Thank you.” (02/02/13) Father…
“Again I am warning you, pray for those whom my Son called, whose hands He blessed and whom He gave as a gift to you. Pray, pray, pray for your shepherds. Thank you.” (04/02/13) Father…
“Pray for your shepherds that they may always have love for you as my Son had, and showed by giving His life for your salvation. Thank you.” (11/02/13)
“Pray for your shepherds and long to come to know the love of your Heavenly Father, in union with them. Thank you.” (12/02/13)
“Pray for your shepherds that the ray of God’s grace may illuminate their ways. Thank you.” (02/02/14)
“Pray for your shepherds and place your trust in their blessed hands. Thank you.” (03/02/14)
“Pray for your shepherds. I pray for them and I desire that they may always feel the blessing of my motherly hands and the support of my motherly heart.” (04/02/14)
“Pray for your shepherds that they may always lead you with a pure heart on the way of truth and love – the way of my Son. Thank you.” (06/02/14)
“I am imploring you anew to pray for your shepherds so that they may always look to my Son who was the first Shepherd of the world and whose family was the entire world.” (12/02/14)
“Pray for your shepherds because they are the strength of the Church which my Son left to you. Through my Son, they are the shepherds of souls. Thank you.” (03/02/15)
“Pray for your shepherds. They belong to my Son. He called them. Pray that they may always have the strength and the courage to shine with the light of my Son.” (06/02/15)
“Pray for your shepherds that they may have the strength and the love to be bridges of salvation. Thank you.” (12/02/15)
“I implore you to pray for your shepherds that at every moment they may have love, that they may work for my Son with love – through Him and in memory of Him. Thank you.” (04/02/16)
“Pray for your shepherds so that in them you may see the greatness of the love of my Son. Thank you.” (06/02/16)
“Pray, always pray for your shepherds that they may have the strength to be the light of my Son. Thank you.” (01/02/17)
“Pray for your shepherds to have all the more light, so as to be able to illuminate all those who live in darkness. Thank you.” (05/02/17)
“My children, do not ever forget to pray for your shepherds. Pray that they can accept all people as their children; that, according to my Son, they may be spiritual fathers to them. Thank you!” (10/02/17)
“Pray for your shepherds that, united in my Son, they can always joyfully proclaim the Word of God. Thank you.” (03/18/12)
“Pray that your shepherds, with their blessed hands, may always give you the joy of God’s blessing. Thank you.” (03/18/14)
Dear children, anew, I am imploring you as a mother who desires the good for her children: love your shepherds, pray for them. Thank you. (06/02/18)
Father, hear our prayer for our shepherds! Thank you for their loving service. May they be good shepherds who care for their flocks, just as Jesus is our Good Shepherd. We love them. Bless them! Amen!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2018
PS. We await Mirjana’s apparition on July 2, 2018 and Mary TV will post the video of her apparitions as soon as possible that day. Let’s welcome Our Lady with joy!