Our Lady in procession on the Anniversary!
June 26, 2019
St. Cyril of Alexandria
Dear Family of Mary!
“Dear children! I am thanking God for each of you. In a special way, little children, thank you for having responded to my call. I am preparing you for the new times that you may be firm in faith and persevering in prayer, so that the Holy Spirit may work through you and renew the face of the earth. I am praying with you for peace which is the most precious gift, even though Satan wants war and hatred. You, little children, be my extended hands and proudly go with God. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (June 25, 2019)
It seems that Our Lady has plans…plans for the future. She is preparing us for The New Times! We do not know what these new times will be like. But we know they are coming. And it appears that these new times will require something from us. We will need firm faith, perseverance in prayer and the Holy Spirit. It sounds like we will be needed in these New Times to bring about a renewal that will span the earth.
This is no small thing!
It sounds impossible from our human vantage point.
But Our Lady is doing the preparing, we only need to respond.
I can’t write much now, so let’s just pray together this prayer to Our Lady in response to her call to help her in preparing the New Times:
How to Give Oneself to Mary
Mother of Goodness, of Love and of Mercy
(Given by Our Lady to Jelena Vasilj, 4/19/1984)
Oh my Mother!
Mother of goodness, love and mercy!
I love you immensely, and I offer myself to you.
Through your goodness, your love,
And your mercy, save me!
I wish to be yours.
I love you immensely
And I wish that you protect me.
In my heart, oh mother of goodness,
Give me your goodness,
So that I go to Heaven.
I ask you for your immense love
That you may give me the grace
That I will be able to love each one
Just like you loved Jesus Christ.
I ask you in grace
That I be able to be merciful* to you.
I offer myself completely to you
And I wish that you will be with me at each step,
Because you are full of grace.
I wish never to forget your grace,
And if I should lose it,
I will ask, make me find it again. Amen.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2019

We thank God for the visionaries who have shared their experience of Our Lady with us all these years! May God bless them all!!!