(c)Mary TV / Anthony Zubac 2019
July 3, 2019
St. Thomas, Apostle
Dear Family of Mary!
Dear children, according to the will of the merciful Father, I have given you, and will still give you, evident signs of my motherly presence. My children, this is a motherly desire for the healing of souls. This is a desire that every child of mine may have true faith, to live to see wondrous experiences, drinking from the spring of the words of my Son-the words of life.
My children, my Son, by His love and sacrifice, brought the light of faith into the world and showed you the way of faith. Because, my children, faith elevates pain and suffering. True faith makes prayer more sensitive, and does acts of mercy-a conversation, a gift of alms. Those of my children who have faith-true faith-are happy despite everything because they live the beginning of heavenly happiness on earth. Therefore, my children, apostles of my love, I am calling you to give an example of true faith, to bring light where there is darkness, to live my Son.
I want to share with all of you an image I had during the apparition yesterday (July 2) at the Blue Cross. We were at the base of Apparition Hill, just under the Blue Cross, with thousands of pilgrims, waiting for Our Lady to appear. It was very hot. There were so many people crowded together! Everyone was patiently waiting for Our Lady and making room for one another. It was wonderful to see so many of Our Lady’s children together!!
There were prayers and singing going on until Mirjana lifted her eyes towards the sky and began to greet Our Lady!! Then all went very quiet. It was a beautiful moment. It was as if the sky had opened and the peace of Heaven has descended upon us. My heart became very quiet too.
As I remained silent, I felt an intuition or thought in my heart that I believe was from Our Mother. She told me that in the days ahead she would need me to have a single focus on my work for Mary TV. She seemed to say that I should entrust to her my children and grandchildren, because she would look after them. That I would need to set aside the days ahead to work very hard for Mary TV. That this was a time when much would happen. It was not frightening but serious.
I just share that because I believe that Our Lady’s plans are nearing a critical moment in the days just ahead of us. She has been laying the foundation of her plans for a long time, and now they are culminating. It is no time to sit back and rest for those of us who are helping her!! She tells us she will continue to give “evident signs of [her] motherly presence” because through her presence the plan is taking place. And so, we need to be those who are focused on her presence, living out of her motherly guidance and love, in a determined fashion, so that others will find her!!
I also had a sense that Our Lady’s plans are like what a mother feels when she is pregnant. The beginning of the pregnancy is small, with small trials like nausea, but everything progresses slowly. Then the middle weeks of the pregnancy are joyful: a growing child and many changes in the mother that begin to show. But when the child is full term the mother senses that everything is about to change, and the child will soon be born. It can be a bit frightening, full of expectation and also pain. When the mother nears the moment of birth, she begins to push. In fact, all she can think about is pushing that little baby out into the world. It is a time of feverish activity with one focus. That is what I feel I am facing right now for Mary TV, but I wonder if we will all feel a similar urge to work hard for our Mother and her plans as they near completion.
So, I share this as an encouragement for all who are serving Our Lady of Medjugorje. These are decisive and exciting days. Thank you to everyone who has responded to her call!! We will not regret it!! The Church needs her. The lost children of the world need her. We all need her!!
Thank you, dearest Mother, for being with us in these days, in Medjugorje!!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2019
PS. Denis and I travel tomorrow and Friday. I will continue reflections starting July 8!! We continue to pray for you and thank God for each one of you!!!
St. Thomas, Apostle
Dear Family of Mary!
Dear children, according to the will of the merciful Father, I have given you, and will still give you, evident signs of my motherly presence. My children, this is a motherly desire for the healing of souls. This is a desire that every child of mine may have true faith, to live to see wondrous experiences, drinking from the spring of the words of my Son-the words of life.
My children, my Son, by His love and sacrifice, brought the light of faith into the world and showed you the way of faith. Because, my children, faith elevates pain and suffering. True faith makes prayer more sensitive, and does acts of mercy-a conversation, a gift of alms. Those of my children who have faith-true faith-are happy despite everything because they live the beginning of heavenly happiness on earth. Therefore, my children, apostles of my love, I am calling you to give an example of true faith, to bring light where there is darkness, to live my Son.
My children, as a mother I am telling you: you cannot go on the way of faith and follow my Son without your shepherds. Pray that they may have the strength and the love to lead you. May your prayers always be alongside them. Thank you. (July 2, 2019)
Today is the Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle. He was the apostle who needed help to believe in the Resurrection of Jesus. He knows how important faith is. St. Thomas pray for us!!
Our Lady’s message yesterday is all about Faith. Faith is absolutely essential in these days. Strong Faith!! True Faith! The Way of Faith! Happy Faith! Our Lady’s gift to us is Faith!
Denis and I have experienced the power of Our Lady’s Faith here in Medjugorje during our pilgrimage! Our faith has been strengthened and we feel ready to continue in this journey with Our Lady!! Our Lady’s message yesterday is all about Faith. Faith is absolutely essential in these days. Strong Faith!! True Faith! The Way of Faith! Happy Faith! Our Lady’s gift to us is Faith!
I want to share with all of you an image I had during the apparition yesterday (July 2) at the Blue Cross. We were at the base of Apparition Hill, just under the Blue Cross, with thousands of pilgrims, waiting for Our Lady to appear. It was very hot. There were so many people crowded together! Everyone was patiently waiting for Our Lady and making room for one another. It was wonderful to see so many of Our Lady’s children together!!
There were prayers and singing going on until Mirjana lifted her eyes towards the sky and began to greet Our Lady!! Then all went very quiet. It was a beautiful moment. It was as if the sky had opened and the peace of Heaven has descended upon us. My heart became very quiet too.
As I remained silent, I felt an intuition or thought in my heart that I believe was from Our Mother. She told me that in the days ahead she would need me to have a single focus on my work for Mary TV. She seemed to say that I should entrust to her my children and grandchildren, because she would look after them. That I would need to set aside the days ahead to work very hard for Mary TV. That this was a time when much would happen. It was not frightening but serious.
I just share that because I believe that Our Lady’s plans are nearing a critical moment in the days just ahead of us. She has been laying the foundation of her plans for a long time, and now they are culminating. It is no time to sit back and rest for those of us who are helping her!! She tells us she will continue to give “evident signs of [her] motherly presence” because through her presence the plan is taking place. And so, we need to be those who are focused on her presence, living out of her motherly guidance and love, in a determined fashion, so that others will find her!!
I also had a sense that Our Lady’s plans are like what a mother feels when she is pregnant. The beginning of the pregnancy is small, with small trials like nausea, but everything progresses slowly. Then the middle weeks of the pregnancy are joyful: a growing child and many changes in the mother that begin to show. But when the child is full term the mother senses that everything is about to change, and the child will soon be born. It can be a bit frightening, full of expectation and also pain. When the mother nears the moment of birth, she begins to push. In fact, all she can think about is pushing that little baby out into the world. It is a time of feverish activity with one focus. That is what I feel I am facing right now for Mary TV, but I wonder if we will all feel a similar urge to work hard for our Mother and her plans as they near completion.
So, I share this as an encouragement for all who are serving Our Lady of Medjugorje. These are decisive and exciting days. Thank you to everyone who has responded to her call!! We will not regret it!! The Church needs her. The lost children of the world need her. We all need her!!
Thank you, dearest Mother, for being with us in these days, in Medjugorje!!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2019
PS. Denis and I travel tomorrow and Friday. I will continue reflections starting July 8!! We continue to pray for you and thank God for each one of you!!!