July 13, 2018
Saint Henry
Dear Family of Mary!
“…My children, do not lose the truth and true life so as to follow the false one.By life in truth, the Kingdom of Heaven enters into your hearts, and that is the Kingdom of peace, love and harmony. Then, my children, there will not be the selfishness which distances you from my Son. There will be love and understanding for your neighbors. Because, remember, again I repeat to you, to pray also means to love others, your neighbors, and to give yourself to them. Love and give in my Son, and then He will work in you and for you. My children, ceaselessly think of my Son and love Him immeasurably and you will have true life, and that will be for eternity. Thank you, apostles of my love.” (July 2, 2018)
Our Lady speaks of the truth and the true life. The truth is Jesus, who is the revelation of the Father. And true life is to live the way Jesus lived. All the virtues are designed to help us live the true life. They move us to love one another as we have been loved by God.
To live the true life, we must become like Jesus, live with Him, get to know Him, follow Him, contemplate His words, think about Him…become connatural with Him. We must develop the sensus fidei, the sense of faith. We must be able to feel the truth!
And so Our Lady says; “My children, ceaselessly think of my Son and love Him immeasurably and you will have true life, and that will be for eternity.”
If we ceaselessly think of Jesus and love Him immeasurably we will be able to intuit His every wish and desire, we will be able to understand what Jesus would do, through holy empathy. This will be how the truth takes over in our lives.
Our Lady is calling us to a very important mission. We are to become those who comprehend – even if sometimes we do not understand the words- and within ourselves feel what the truth is! In our pure and simple hearts, we will become real apostles of love!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2018