October 4, 2018
St. Francis of Assisi
Dear Family of Mary!
“Dear children, I am calling you to be courageous and to not grow weary, because even the smallest good-the smallest sign of love-conquers evil which is all the more visible…” (October 2, 2018)
Our Lady is speaking to her children very directly and on our level. She does not ask us to carry out huge works or take on anything beyond our capacity. She calls us to do “the smallest good – the smallest sign of love“. These small deeds of love and good are our part in the destruction of evil. They are our means in the battle against the enemy of mankind.
Truly we will need courage. Because doing small acts of kindness and goodness require us to put our own comfort or safety second, and to step out in faith. But really they are much less difficult than they seem. The enemy always makes us feel weary and inadequate when we contemplate a good act. This is the time of battle, when we defeat him. When in our little lives, in our own little situations, we choose to do the good, no matter how small, for our family member or neighbor, our spouse or our child. We choose to put our own needs second, and do that which can be done for another.
We may not always think of our struggle to do the good as a way to defeat evil, but truly, how else can the enemy of our souls be defeated, but by one act at a time, one choice at a time for the good? We are in a battle from the moment we are born, in a war for souls. Our prayers, our choices and our deeds are where the battle is played out. One person at a time, we take on darkness with our little lights. Little lights that add up!
I am seeing this very much here in Medjugorje. There are thousands of pilgrims here in Medjugorje. We are all here because of Our Lady. She is the one who called us and who is with us here. And we are all learning, one at a time, how to choose the good. How to live the good. How to be signs of love in our own families and communities. It is a grand plan that Our Lady has designed in order to build a strong basis of faith in the world.
Let’s all be encouraged today by this word from Our Lady. May courage grow in our hearts, as we see that the task is not too big for us, that in our own small ways we can smote the enemy with our small acts of goodness, with our small signs of love for others.

Thanks, shipmates, we are so blessed by all that is being accomplished for Our Lady!!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV
P.S. We are praying for your intentions!!