December 7, 2016
St. Ambrose
First Friday
Dear Family of Mary!
“Dear children! When you come to me, as to a mother, with a pure and open heart, know that I am listening to you, encouraging you, consoling you and, above all, interceding for you with my Son…” (December 2, 2018)
Tomorrow is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception! One more day to prepare. I thought today we could let the prayer that Our Lady taught Jelena Vasilj speak to our hearts and help us to pray properly.
Jelena was very young when Our Lady taught her this prayer. And you can tell that Our Lady was speaking to a young person. The words are simple and straight forward and they can open us up to Our Lady in a truly childlike way.
Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
(Given by Our Lady to Jelena Vasilj, 11/28/1983)
O Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Overflowing with goodness,
Show us your love for us.
May the flame of your heart, Oh Mary,
Descend upon all peoples.
We love you immensely.
Impress in our hearts a true love.
May our hearts yearn for you.
Oh Mary, sweet and humble of heart,
Remember us when we sin.
You know that all mankind are sinners.
Through your most sacred and maternal heart,
Cure us from every spiritual illness.
Make us capable of looking at the beauty of your maternal heart,
And that, thus, we may be converted
to the flame of your heart. Amen
Our Lady tells us:
“Dear children! Today I call you to prayer. I am with you and I love you all. I am your Mother and I wish that your hearts be similar to my heart. Little children, without prayer you cannot live and say that you are mine. Prayer is joy. Prayer is what the human heart desires. Therefore, get closer, little children, to my Immaculate Heart and you will discover God. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (November 25, 1994)
Mary we all grow very close to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the heart of the Woman who is called the Immaculate Conception!! She is the Heart of our Church. Her Heart will keep our hearts burning with love for Jesus and protect us from all harm.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2018
PS. Again I am including the new information about Mike Nolan’s Pilgrimages, found on his new website! It includes the schedule for 2019!!