Tag: Messages 1981

July 22, 1981 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje

Vicka’s diary – 28th apparition, 6:30pm On arriving she said: “Praise be Jesus Christ.” All of us questioned her on the subject of some sick people who had been recommended to us. Then we prayed with the Blessed Virgin. She only said the Our Father and Glory Be, and during the time that we said the Hail Mary, she was silent. The Gospa told us that: “A good many people have been converted and among them some had not gone to Confession in 45 years, and now, they are going to Confession. Go in the peace of God.” As Our Lady was departing, a cross appeared in the sky. (July 22, 1981 – Wednesday)

July 21, 1981 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje

Vicka’s diary – 27th apparition, 6:30pm Just like every day, we spoke with the Gospa. She arrived at 6:30pm, and greeted us: “Praised be Jesus!” Then we asked her if she would give us a sign. She said yes. Then we asked her how much longer she would still continue to visit us. The Blessed Virgin responded: “My sweet angels, even if I were to leave the sign, many people will not believe. Many people will only come here and bow down. But people must be converted and do penance.” Then we questioned her on the subject of the sick. For some, the Gospa said that they would be cured only if their faith was strong, and for others, no. Then she prepared to depart. Upon leaving, she said to us: “Go in the peace of God.” (July 21, 1981 – Tuesday)  

June 30, 1981 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje

During this period, Our Lady appeared to the visionaries in hidden places, away from the police patrols that were trying to track them down. Apparition at Cerno. Mirjana: Are you angry that we were not on the hill? “That doesn’t matter.” Would you be angry if we would not return any longer to the hill, but we would wait in the church? “Always at the same time. Go in the peace of God.” On that day, Mirjana thought that she understood that the Gospa would return for three more days, until Friday. But it was only her interpretation. (June 30, 1981)

June 29, 1981 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje

The visionaries: Dear Gospa, are you happy to see so many people here today? “More than happy.” (She smiles, writes Vicka). How long will you stay with us? “As long as you will want me to, my angels.” What do you expect of the people who have come in spite of the brambles and the heat? “There is only one God, one faith. Let the people believe firmly and do not fear anything.” What do you expect of us? “That you have a solid faith and that you maintain confidence.” Will we know how to endure persecutions, which will come to us because of you? “You will be able to, my angels. Do not fear. You will be able to endure everything. You must believe and have confidence in me.” Here Vicka writes a question from Dr. Darinka Glamuzina: May I touch Our Lady? She gives this response: “There have always been Doubting Thomas’s, but she can approach.” Vicka shows her where to stretch out her hand. Darinka tries to touch her. Our Lady disappears, and then reappears in her light. The parents of a three-year-old child, Daniel Setka, who had suffered from septicemia since the fourth day of his birth, asked the visionaries to intercede for the handicapped child. Dear Gospa, is little Daniel going to speak some day? Cure him so that they all will believe us. These people love you very much, dear Gospa. Perform a miracle. Dear Gospa, say something. They repeated this petition and conveyed the response: “Have them believe strongly in his cure. Go in the peace of God.” (June 29, 1981 – Monday) 

June 28, 1981 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje

The visionaries: What do you wish? “That people believe and persevere in the faith.” Vicka: What do you expect from the priests? “That they remain strong in the faith and that they help you.” Why don’t you appear to everyone in church? “Blessed are they who believe without having seen.” Will you come back? “Yes, to the same place.” Do you prefer prayer or singing? “Both, praying and singing.” Vicka: What do you wish from the crowd which has gathered here? The visionaries said this question received no response except for a glance filled with love, and Our Lady’s smile. Then Our Lady disappeared. The visionaries prayed so that she might return because she had not said: Goodbye, my angels. During their song, You Are All Beautiful, she reappears. Vicka: Dear Gospa, what do you expect of this people? She repeated the question three times and finally was given this answer: “That those who do not see believe as those who see.” Vicka: Will you leave us a sign so that people believe that we are not liars or comedians? No other response, only a smile. “Go in the peace of God”, She said, as she disappeared. (June 28, 1981 –  Sunday)

June 27, 1981 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje

“Praised be Jesus!” Jakov: What do you expect of our Franciscans? “Have them persevere in the faith and protect the faith of others.” Jakov and Mirjana: Leave us a sign because the people treat us as liars. “My angels, do not be afraid of injustice. It has always existed.” The visionaries: How must we pray? “Continue to recite 7 Our Father’s and 7 Hail Mary’s and Glory Be’s, but also add the Creed. Goodbye, my angels. Go in the peace of God.” To Ivan, aside from the others: “Be in peace and take courage.” (Ivan said: What a beautiful smile when she left me.) (June 27,  1981 – Saturday)

June 26, 1981 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje

In the presence of a crowd of 2,000 to 3,000 people, drawn there by the luminary signs coming from the hill of the apparitions, Vicka sprinkles the apparition with Holy Water and says: If you are the Gospa, stay with us, if not, go away. The apparition only smiles. Ivanka: Why have you come here? What do you desire? “I have come because there are many true believers here. I wish to be with you to convert and to reconcile the whole world.” Ivanka: Did my mother say anything? “Obey your grandmother and help her because she is old.” Mirjana: How is my grandfather? (He had recently died.) “He is well.” The visionaries, on a request from the crowd: Give us a sign which will prove your presence. “Blessed are those who have not seen and who believe.” Mirjana: Who are you? “I am the Most Blessed Virgin Mary.“ Why are you appearing to us? We are not better than others. “I do not necessarily choose the best.” Will you come back? “Yes, to the same place as yesterday.” On returning to the village after the apparition, Marija sees the Virgin again, in tears, near a cross with rainbow colors: “Peace, Peace, Peace! Be reconciled! Only Peace. Make your peace with God and among yourselves. For that, it is necessary to believe, to pray, to fast, and to go to confession.” (June 26, 1981 – Friday)

June 25, 1981 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje

The date of the first apparition for the group of six visionaries, who see Our Lady nearby on the hill: Our Lady says: “Praised be Jesus!” Ivanka: Where is my mother? (Her mother had died two months previously.) “She is happy. She is with me.” The visionaries: Will you return tomorrow? The apparition answers with a nod of her head. Mirjana: No one will believe us. They will say that we are crazy. Give us a sign! The apparition responds only with a smile. Mirjana believed she had received a sign. Her watch had changed time during the apparition. “Goodbye, my angels. Go in the peace of God.” (June 25, 1981 – Thursday)