Tag: Messages 1981

October 21, 1981 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje

With respect to Fr. Jozo who is awaiting sentence from the court. Vicka: Dear Gospa, I know that you do not have the spirit of vengeance, but try nevertheless to bring certain people to reason, so that they might judge impartially. “Jozo looks well and he greets you warmly. Do not fear for Jozo. He is a saint, I have already told you.” Will Jozo be condemned? “Sentence will not be pronounced this evening. Do not be afraid, he will not be condemned to a severe punishment. Pray only, because Jozo asks from you prayer and perseverance. Do not be afraid because I am with you.” (Wednesday, October 21, 1981)

October 20, 1981 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje

Vicka: Dear Gospa, have mercy on Fr. Jozo tomorrow during the trial. Paralyze someone; strike someone on the head. I know it is a sin to speak so, but what can we do? The Gospa smiles at my words, then she sings, Jesus Christ, in Your Name. When we finished the song with Our Lady she tells us: “Go in the peace of God.” Then she leaves. (Tuesday, October 20, 1981)

October 19, 1981 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje

“Pray for Fr. Jozo and fast tomorrow on bread and water. Then you will fast for a whole week on bread and water. Pray, my angels. Now I will show you Fr. Jozo.” The visionaries have a vision of Fr. Jozo in prison. He tells them not to be afraid for him, and that everything was well. With respect to Marinko who protected the visionaries: “There are a few similar faithful. He is made a sufficient number of sacrifices for Jozo. He underwent many torments and sufferings. Continue, and do not let anyone take the faith away from you.” (Monday, October 19, 1981)

October 12, 1981 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje

Where are the Kingdom of God and paradise? “In Heaven.” Are you the Mother of God? “I am the Mother of God and the Queen of Peace.” Did you go to Heaven before or after death? “I went to Heaven before death.” When will you leave us the sign? “I will not yet leave the sign. I shall continue to appear. Father Jozo sends you greetings. He is experiencing difficulties, but he will resist, because he knows why he is suffering.” (Monday, October 12, 1981)

October 8, 1981 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje

Marija humbly reports that the Gospa had scolded her for having stayed (during Mass) with her religious instruction school mates, who asked her about the apparitions: “You would have done better to attend Mass rather than to satisfy human curiosity.” (Thursday, October 8, 1981)

October 7, 1981 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje

The visionaries: Is there, outside of Jesus, other intermediaries between God and man, and if so, what is their role? “There is only one mediator between God and man, and it is Jesus Christ.” On the request from Fr. Tomislav: Should we found a community here just like that of Saint Francis of Assisi? “God has chosen Saint Francis as His elected one. It would be good to imitate his life. In the meantime, we must realize what God orders us to do.” (Wednesday, October 7, 1981)

October 6, 1981 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje

“The evening Mass must definitely be kept. The Mass of the sick must be celebrated on a specific day at a time which is most convenient. Father Tomislav must begin with the prayer group. It is very necessary. Have Father Tomislav pray with fervor.” (Tuesday, October 6, 1981)

October 1, 1981 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje

Are all religions the same? “Members of all faiths are equal before God. God rules over each faith just like a sovereign over his kingdom. In the world, all religions are not the same because all people have not complied with the commandments of God. They reject and disparage them.” Are all churches the same? “In some, one prays to God more. In others, less. That depends on the priests who motivate others to pray. That also depends on the power which they have.” Why are there so many apparitions, which repeat themselves so many times? Why does the Blessed Virgin appear to children who do not follow the way of God? “I appear to you often and in every place. To others, I appear from time to time and briefly. They do not follow yet, completely the way of God. They are not aware of the gift which He has made them, that no one deserves. With time, they also will come to follow the right way.” (Thursday, October 1, 1981)