Our Lady of Loreto
Our Lady’s Holy House from Nazareth
December 10, 2020
Our Lady of Loreto
Dear Family of Mary!
Today is the Optional Memorial of Our Lady of Loreto. This day we remember the amazing story of the house in which Our Lady was born, lived as a young girl, experienced the Annunciation, and finally probably lived with Jesus and Joseph! This little stone house was the location of so much grace! The story of its relocation to Loreto, Italy, is mysterious. But it seems that the stones of the house are from Palestine, and the foundation in Nazareth that is thought to be Our Lady’s house matches the walls of the house in Loreto perfectly.
Well, such a holy place invites us to again wonder and thank God for the miracle of Our Lady. She is a gift to all mankind. She is the preparation for the coming of our Messiah. And her motherly presence continues to prepare the way for the Lord in our world today.
Here is a website with a concise discussion of the house of Loreto, Our Lady’s house:
I want to prayerfully present this message from Our Lady, July 02, 2014. In it Our Lady shares something about her life that draws us close to the reality of Mary, the woman from Nazareth:
“Dear children, I, the mother of all of you gathered here and the mother of the entire world, am blessing you with a motherly blessing and call you to set out on the way of humility.
That way leads to the coming to know the love of my Son.
My Son is almighty, He is in everything.
If you, my children, do not become cognizant of this, then darkness/blindness rule in your soul.
Only humility can heal you.
My children, I always lived humbly, courageously and in hope.
I knew, I became cognizant that God is in us and we are in God.
I am asking the same of you.
I desire for all of you to be with me in eternity because you are a part of me.
I will help you on your way.
My love will envelop you like a mantle and make of you apostles of my light – of God’s light.
With the love that comes forth from humility you will bring light to where darkness/blindness rule.
You will be bringing my Son who is the light of the world.
I am always alongside your shepherds and I pray that they may always be an example of humility for you… Thank you.” (July 2, 2014)
Our Lady lived humbly, courageously and in hope. The little house of Loreto is a tangible demonstration of this. Our Lady’s home was small, and humble. It was no palace. She had to be strong, courageous her entire life, to make a home in that little house. And yet, all of Heaven and Earth could not hold the wonder that existed in that little house for so many years! Jesus, the Son of God, dwelt there.
Our hearts are like that little house, humble and impossible to fix up, but Jesus wants to dwell in our hearts with the same joy and love as He did in the house of Loreto. He wants to make His home in us. Let us give thanks and kneel before Him with gratitude!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
PS. Today is the last day to submit a video to Christina!!! Thank you to all of you who have already shared your greeting with our Mary TV Family!! There is still time today to take your phone or computer camera and point it at yourself, and just say Merry Christmas to our Mary TV family, and share something you like about Mary TV or even more about Our Lady of Medjugorje. You can upload the video from your computer or phone to this link, and we will take it from there. Just make sure there is audio, and that we can see you!! Share from your heart! We need to encourage each other this Christmas.
Christina Zubac will receive your video here: