(c)Mateo Ivankovic 2016
September 20 2016
Saints Andrew Kim Tae-gon, and Paul Chong Ha-Sang, and Companions
Dear Family of Mary!
January 17, 1985 “Dear children! These days satan is working underhandedly against this parish, and you, dear children, have fallen asleep in prayer, and only some are going to Mass. Withstand the days of temptation! Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Our Lady spent a lot of time teaching the visionaries and parishioners about spiritual warfare. She wanted them to know that Satan exists, and that he has a plan to destroy each one of them. They needed to be aware of his influence on their lives, and to reject him.
And so she gave them the message on January 17, 1985. She told them, and all of us now, that Satan works underhandedly. He is cunning, and knows just how to get us off track. He sows many temptations and distractions into our lives. If we are not awake and in prayer, we will be taken in by them, and find ourselves outside of God’s plan for us very quickly.
The solution? Don’t fall asleep in prayer. We must pray with all our hearts. We can’t just say the words like robots. Our prayer must be from the heart and always be a conversation with God. If we pray in this way, temptations will be seen for what they are. Likewise, we should strive to go to Holy Mass as often as is possible. When we are at Mass, we receive the Word of God, and Eucharist, two of the most nourishing things we can take in. God feeds us for the journey. Jesus comes to us as our spiritual food for life.
We have to stay awake. We have to withstand the days of temptation. Our Mother has taught us to do so with her main messages. If we listen to her, we will stand in the battle against our enemy and we will be able to help Our Lady in her plan.
Fr. Gabriel Amorth understood the battle very well. He advised people to pray very much, go to Holy Mass and Communion, rely on Confession (even weekly), fast, and to pray in prayer groups if they wanted to be free of Satanic influence. Here is something he said in his second book “An Exorcist: More Stories”:
As I mentioned in the second chapter of this book, the Gospel shows us the most difficult type of liberation: the young man over whom the apostles prayed in vain. Jesus says that to cast out a particular kind of demon three things are required: faith, prayer, and fasting. These are still the most efficacious methods. Undoubtedly, group prayer is stronger than individual prayer, as the Gospel tells us. I will never tire of repeating that we can be liberated from the demon with prayer alone, without any exorcism, but never with exorcism alone [without prayer].
I will add that, when we pray, the Lord gives us what we need, independently of our words. We do not know what we need to ask for; it is the Spirit who prays for us “with sighs too deep for words”. Therefore, the Lord gives us much more than what we ask or dare hope…Let us continue to pray; the Lord will give us what we need. (Fr. Gabriel Amorth. “An Exorcist: More Stories” P. 191-192)
With that encouragement, I want to give you two prayers for protection and liberation from the enemy that Fr. Amorth included in his book. We can converse with the Lord through these prayers. They tell us much about His desire to help us. Our Lady too!
Prayers of Liberation from the Spirit of Evil
To Our Lord Jesus
O Jesus our Savior,
My Lord and my God,
My God and my all,
With your sacrifice of the Cross you redeemed us
And defeated the power of Satan.
I beg you to deliver me from every evil presence
And every evil influence.
I ask you in your name,
I ask you for the sake of your wounds,
I ask you for the sake of your blood,
I ask you for the sake of your Cross,
I ask you through the intercession of Mary,
Immaculate and sorrowful.
May the blood and the water that flow
From your side
Wash over me to purify me,
Deliver me, heal me. Amen.
To Mary
O Most High Queen of Heaven
And of the Angels,
We humbly beseech you,
Who received from God
The power and the mission
To crush Satan’s head:
Command the heavenly host
To pursue the demons in battle wherever they are,
To rebuke their daring
And to thrust them into the abyss. Amen
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2016
PS. The pilgrimage that Mike Nolan is leading on October 3 – 14 still has room. [I can’t stop sharing this…there must be someone out there who is resisting!!!] Pray about coming!! The air fares are quite low. If you have been waiting for the right time to go to Medjugorje, this may be it!!
Mike Nolan