November 9, 2017
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Dear Family of Mary!
In her message of November 2, 2017, Our Lady gave us two words of great hope. It often is the case that our hope hangs by a thread, the thread of simple goodness, simple holiness and humility. And so she told us:
“The good which is silent and is spread through pure souls is the strength which sustains this world…” (November 2, 2017)
We have all heard of the great saints who were “not so great” when they were alive. They were door keepers or cooks or gardeners. They worked hard all day without glory. But they were pure souls. I think of St. Andre Bessette and St. Faustina and Venerable Solanus Casey (who will be beatified on November 18, 2017 in Detroit!!) These saints were not superstars by human standards, but God worked through them in superstar ways. They are examples of “the good which is silent and is spread through pure souls.” Each one gave gifts to the world through their littleness and inspiration.
Then there are the examples of people we know, those we have known all our lives. I think of Mrs. F, the school secretary for our children’s Catholic grade school. Mrs. F. has been secretary for many years, and shows no sign of quitting. She was always kind, happy, helpful, motherly and attentive to the children. One of my children who did not fit into the school setting very well spent a lot of time with her in the school office. And it was there that Mrs. F. helped my child to feel special, to be happy in the midst of her situation, and to feel worthy of love. They had a special good-bye ritual which consisted of turning sideways, bending a leg backwards like a flapper, waving their hand under their chin and saying “Toodle loo!!!” This is the good which is silent and is spread through pure souls…
Our Lady also told us:
“…Apostles of my love, a living desire of faith and love is sufficient, and my Son will accept it…” (November 2, 2017)
This hopeful word is for all of us! Our Lady doesn’t hold the bar too high for us! We need to have “a living desire of faith and love.” That is enough. It is sufficient. Jesus will accept our desire to believe and our desire to love. Even though we fail time and again, if we get back up and desire it again, Jesus will accept it!! All we have to do is keep trying!!
Maybe if we keep trying hard enough we will become the good which is silent and is spread through pure souls…
Let’s try! Toodle loo!!!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2017
PS. Announcing a weekend retreat in South Bend, Indiana: