(c)Mateo Ivankovic 2016
December 10, 2019
Dear Family of Mary!
I want to savor the Immaculate Conception a little bit longer!! Mary’s heart is immaculate, completely pure and clean. Our Lady longs to draw us close to her Immaculate Heart. She wants to protect and guide us through her heart. She wants us to draw graces from her heart. She wants us to find refuge in it. The Immaculate Heart of Mary is a gift to us, to help us travel through our lives. It is a light for us. A hope for us. A joy for us! (For Tolkien fans, I think Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart is like the Vial of Galadriel. It is a light in the darkness, to guide us as we travel in this dark world.)
Here are five messages from Our Lady about her Immaculate Heart that we might meditate on during a Rosary:
Wednesday, December 7, 1983
Wednesday, December 7, 1983
The vigil of the Immaculate Conception, To Jelena:
“Tomorrow will really be a blessed day for you, if every moment is consecrated to my Immaculate Heart. Abandon yourselves to me. Strive to make your joy grow; to live in the faith, to change your hearts.”
November 25, 1994 “Dear children! Today I call you to prayer. I am with you and I love you all. I am your Mother and I wish that your hearts be similar to my heart. Little children, without prayer you cannot live and say that you are mine. Prayer is joy. Prayer is what the human heart desires. Therefore, get closer, little children, to my Immaculate Heart and you will discover God. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
November 25, 1994 “Dear children! Today I call you to prayer. I am with you and I love you all. I am your Mother and I wish that your hearts be similar to my heart. Little children, without prayer you cannot live and say that you are mine. Prayer is joy. Prayer is what the human heart desires. Therefore, get closer, little children, to my Immaculate Heart and you will discover God. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
August 25, 2000 “Dear children! I desire to share my joy with you. In my Immaculate Heart I feel that there are many of those who have drawn closer to me and are, in a special way, carrying the victory of my Immaculate Heart in their hearts by praying and converting. I desire to thank you and to inspire you to work even more for God and His kingdom with love and the power of the Holy Spirit. I am with you and I bless you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
September 25, 2009 “Dear children, with joy, persistently work on your conversion. Offer all your joys and sorrows to my Immaculate Heart that I may lead you all to my most beloved Son, so that you may find joy in His Heart. I am with you to instruct you and to lead you towards eternity. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
January 25, 2012 “Dear children! With joy, also today I call you to open your hearts and to listen to my call. Anew, I desire to draw you closer to my Immaculate Heart, where you will find refuge and peace. Open yourselves to prayer, until it becomes a joy for you. Through prayer, the Most High will give you an abundance of grace and you will become my extended hands in this restless world which longs for peace. Little children, with your lives witness faith and pray that faith may grow day by day in your hearts. I am with you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Oh, Immaculate Conception, Mary, our Mother, Pray for us!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
September 25, 2009 “Dear children, with joy, persistently work on your conversion. Offer all your joys and sorrows to my Immaculate Heart that I may lead you all to my most beloved Son, so that you may find joy in His Heart. I am with you to instruct you and to lead you towards eternity. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
January 25, 2012 “Dear children! With joy, also today I call you to open your hearts and to listen to my call. Anew, I desire to draw you closer to my Immaculate Heart, where you will find refuge and peace. Open yourselves to prayer, until it becomes a joy for you. Through prayer, the Most High will give you an abundance of grace and you will become my extended hands in this restless world which longs for peace. Little children, with your lives witness faith and pray that faith may grow day by day in your hearts. I am with you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Oh, Immaculate Conception, Mary, our Mother, Pray for us!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2019